- A new trailer will be shown in the very near future.
- For now, Famitsu will show images and some info from one part of that trailer. (intro paragraph written by Takeuchi)
- There's a new female character, shown holding a shotgun and wearing a tank top and boots similar to the ones Jill wore in RE3.
- In addition to areas that make use of sunlight as a gameplay dynamic, there will be darker, shadow-filled areas as well, such as a cavern where Chris utilizes a flashlight. There will be an intense contrast between light and dark.
- Chris is shown using his knife, a sniper rifle above a bridge that's above a river, and of course the handgun.- A few pieces of artwork are shown, such Chris fighting villagers near a crashed helicopter, that same helicopter flying amidst a smoke-filled sky, and Chris witnessing the helicopter being shot down. There's also some kind of garden in the cavern with a giant hole above it, allowing the sunlight in.
- Chris is shown holding a blond girl noticeably shorter than him in a building.
- A picture of a chainsaw and the right leg of its weilder is shown.
- Chris will be up against very powerful enemies once again, and this shot of some creature behind iron bars is reminiscent of Chris's previous enemies, such as CODE: Veronica's Nosferatu (although it was Claire who faced him) and the REmake's Lisa Trevor in the sense that those two creatures were imprisoned at some point as well.

-> Better scan of first page.<-
Sources: cvxfreak, THIA, True-Gaming and absolutezero.
UPDATE (5/15):
New pics (most likely the same as above) are featured in the latest issue of Game Informer magazine - June 2008 issue.
Source: Capcom Blog
The new trailer for Resident Evil 5 will be showcased on GT TV at 1:00AM on Spike TV... or you can just watch it on Gametrailers.com.
Source: Capcom Blog
Update (5/19):
Kind of old by now but 1up.com has a few details on the article from Famitsu also.
Chris Redfield
The last we heard from this series protagonist was in the battle with the Umbrella Corporation 10 years ago. At present he belongs to an extralegal organization; the key to their identity seems to lie in the badge on his shoulder that reads "BSAA." As you might expect (and as the new shots confirm) Chris will be packing quite an arsenal. In addition to his mainstay, the handgun, he is also shown wielding a survival knife and a sniper rifle. Famitsu also points out that Chris carries much of his arsenal on his back -- for example, he has what appears to be a large gun strapped behind his right shoulder -- and suggests the design might be hinting at a new on-the-fly, single-button weapon switching system in RE5.
The Story and Setting
The article states that the game is centered around an "escape from a predicament." The contrast between light and dark is a key visual element (as has been discussed previously); the screenshots and artwork both show this off to fantastic effect. Several shots of helicopters steal the show. One narrowly avoids a midair inferno in the sky, while another lies in a flaming wreckage on the ground. Other scenes show brightly-lit streets, a seemingly deserted village, a long metal bridge over a river, and what looks like some kind of cave or mine. Chris carries a light source in the latter.
The Enemy
Famitsu also provides a little more info about the menace Chris is facing in Africa. This time around the baddies are neither zombies nor Ganados -- and for those who have been concerned, the enemies shown do appear to represent multiple races now. One enemy is pictured toting a bloody chainsaw. The article mentions that during Famitsu's hands-on with the game for the special DVD they released in April, they recalled seeing a scene where enemies gurgle and turn to foam when they die. The real story behind these foes has yet to be told and will probably remain mostly a mystery until the game's release.
New Characters
The trailer shows two women. One is blond, in a long, red dress, and hard to make out in the images; it seems she and Chris will need to escape together, but the article implies a different approach from the Ashley-escorting sections of Resident Evil 4. The other woman is a dark-skinned beauty who is new to the series. She carries nearly as much weaponry as Chris and looks to be another ally.
In one shot we also see an man through the rusted bars of some kind of cell, hunched over with his arm extended limply; he bears a similarity to the Nosferatu in Resident Evil Code: Veronica, or Lisa Trevor from the original game. In other words, whoever he is, he is most certainly going to be powerful, and is probably a big part of the game's story.
Source: 1up
Ooh, Resident Evil 5 has me shivering with anticipation! I just hope Wesker throws his sexy ass in there somewhere.
Anyway, the reason I sought your blog out is because I would like to thank you for all the awesome walkthroughs you've done. Iiik, it feels like you're some kind of celebrity almost, I'm getting nervous! XD
Yeah, I'm so well known they made a song about me. ;p Haha, kidding.
I'm pretty sure that Wesker will show up. Wesker is always somewhere to be found whenever Chris makes an appearance most of the time.
I'm really hoping for Ozwell E. Spencer to make an appearance also, though I have a feeling that Capcom still isn't ready to show him just yet. His mysterious nature is one of his best qualities really.
Thanks for posting, Serena!
Thanks for the info! too busy until I didn't notice the news of my favorite game. As I thought, the Chainsaw is back :p but wonder why the game screenshots (so far) look "colourless", perhaps the game designs are not 100% finished yet huh?
I think the lack of color is mainly due to the new focus on lighting effects for this RE. Most of the pics we have seen so far have been taken in an outside area.
It's hard to say at the moment. Might be because the game is still unfinished like you said.
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