Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Resident Evil 5 - Chris Mercenaries Guide

NOTE: I'm still adding stage strategy info for RE5 Mercs. Scroll down to the posts below to find the newer info. (aka. Chris guide takes priority over all of that.)

I've been working on this guide off and on ever since June. After writing out a Chris character guide for Marvel vs Capcom 3, I thought to myself "wouldn't it be awesome to have character guides for Mercs!?" I've mentioned before that a writer could probably write a whole entire FAQ dedicated to Wesker with how deep he is. I really don't care enough about Wesker to try though. I must admit a damage listing for him would be extremely valuable for making up your own dash melee kills with him.

Anyway, this Chris guide could be the starting of fully redoing my Mercs guide. The only problem is that I probably won't go near as deep with other Mercs characters. I'm the type of person that sets my sights on one character to where I will block out all others.

This guide will eventually cover everything that a beginning player that wants to use Chris seriously could ever need. I need more time to make the stage section better - it's very half-assed at the moment. I'm going to use the stage strategies posted on my blog to help out on this and I'll need to play Mercs a bit more seriously once again to make sure I can stand behind what I write.

A lot of love and attention to detail went into this guide. That's the reason why I've delayed it so much. It's still far from perfect, but I will spend the rest of this year on it. I have a goal to try to make it as big as my original Mercs guide - yeah, you just read that correctly (700K). It's already almost as big as my Reunion guide. Once I'm finished with this guide I don't want my readers to say a simple "Wow!"

I want them to say...


Berserker, just...


^ That's the type of power I want to unleash with this guide. I listened to that song a bunch while writing it. Halo 2, ftw! Funny, that I've never even played it.

Also, after reading the guide and practicing with Chris, you can finally say this to players that kick you out of a duo game for choosing Chris:

Yeah, that's right, Chris all up in yo' face openin' up a can of thanks on that ass!

Also, here is the most up-to-date example of my gameplay:

I will not fall. I will not fade. I will take your breath away!
And I'll survive, paranoid. I have lost the will to change.

UPDATES to Chris guide

--> 10/28/11

- Added a mention of a head shot melee combination for STARS Chris
- Added some better formatting for the main melee setups for each Chris

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Resident Evil 5: Mercenaries/Mercenaries Reunion - Info Database

I recently got back into writing for Resident Evil 5: The Mercenaries. Just a few weeks back... I got this sudden spark of interest to finish FAQing RE5 Mercs. I surely thank that spark of inspiration also. I received great motivation in an "I'll show you..." sort of way and will start back from where I left off last... uhhhhh... I forget...

Well, anyway, I will now start back since I have no other game to write for at the moment!

The Mercs mini game is pretty boring to the majority of the world now and I have been sort of struggling to keep myself amused with it for the past year, but I'll spend the rest of this year making sure that The Mercenaries and (possibly) The Mercenaries Reunion is fully covered on GameFAQs with the latest info. All of this information will be archived at GameFAQs by yours truly. Any naysayer that says that the RE5 Mercs community doesn't need GameFAQs is about to be proven wrong.

I'll go through and describe each Mercenaries stage's strategy by posting up a video and then describing it with text. To me, a starting player cannot understand everything that goes on in a video just from watching it, so I'll go through and describe each video with text also. I will link to the posts below.

Resident Evil 5: The Mercenaries

SOLO stage strategies

Public Assembly
The Mines
Ancient Ruins
Experimental Facility
Missile Area
Ship Deck

DUO stage strategies

Public Assembly
The Mines
Ancient Ruins
Experimental Facility
Missile Area
Ship Deck

To any new players of Mercenaries out there, you can always contact me if you need help or assistance with anything in RE5 Mercs or Mercs Reunion.

If you need any help with RE5 Mercs, keep my blog bookmarked since you'll find quite a few helpful posts here for the mini game for the rest of the year!

Disclaimer: If you see any of this info posted on another site, be sure to let me know. So far, no site has permission to post it up.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Resident Evil 5: The Mercenaries - Prison DUO strategy

This is a post for archive information for strategies of Prison DUO in Resident Evil 5 - The Mercenaries.

Top Spawn strategy

Player: Kirin

This is the most popular strategy for the Top spawn on Prison DUO.

The top player starts on top of the catwalk walkway at the top of the Prison. Start by hitting the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS right beside your character. Turn and run down the catwalk on the opposite side of the side that leads to the combo bonus chest then make a right and kick through the door at the end of the stairway corridor.

The player in the video kicks the door open and hits the Majini on the other side. This Majini will be so highly aggressive that it will sometimes open the door for you. One thing that a lot of players do here is to simply run against the door and allow the Majini to open it then run right by him as he swings. It can save time altogether.

Characters that don't have starting grenades should pick up the hand grenade next to the tracks in order to blow open the wooden door below. A STARS Chris player can use electric rounds to destroy the door.

Ignore the combo bonus and run out on the rail tracks to the right then break the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS on the rail tracks. Fall from the left side of the rail tracks while facing away from the time bonus. Toss a grenade through the window so that it lands in front of the wooden doors and blows it open while your character hops through the window. A STARS Chris player can use electric rounds to blow open the door. Run down the hall to the right then hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS at the end of the hall. Run back toward the window then make a right.

IMPORTANT: A player MUST step in front of the doorway that was blown open in order to get the attention of the Majini that camps beside the flash grenades on the other side of the door. If you don't get his attention, he will remain there and take up one of the stage's 12 enemies that can be in the stage at one time. Always make sure to listen for him to yell to signify that he has been agitated.

Listen closely and you can hear the Majini on the other side of the doorway as he yells at the Wesker player - this is the sign that he has been agitated and will follow the player. It's very important that you get his attention or he will remain there until the end of the run!

Run through the doorway across from the hall with the 60 second time bonus that you hit earlier and run by the 30 second time bonus then move through the doorway at the top. If the doorway still has a wooden door on it then the other player didn't destroy it for you. Hop across the gap that leads to the top of the chicken holding room then break the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS on top and take the flash grenade from the crate.

Run down the stairs and hop into the chicken pen. The other player should be fighting the first Red Executioner by now. Pick up the combo bonus in the combo chest then kill the CHICKEN and then start melee killing the enemies that follow your character. Watch for Majini with machetes since they can be scripted Cephalos.

NOTE: All of the Majini with machetes that spawn from the ceiling spawn point at the far sound end of the cell corridor will be scripted Cephalos. A Wesker player should be ready to activate them then melee kill the Cephalo and any other character should try to gain a leg stun then instant kill melee them to cancel their Cephalo. There are a total of eight machete Majini scripted Cephalos.

Work your way outside of the chicken pen and step into the cell corridor while you fight Majini. Pick up the combo bonus in the combo chest in the first cell along the left wall when you can. When not many enemies are around, blow open the wooden door across from the cell with the combo bonus chest then hit the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS inside the room. Work your way back out then run to the south end of the corridor and melee kill the Majini that attack. You will spend the rest of the run in this cell corridor.

The player notices a Majini with a machete fall from the ceiling spawn point at the end of the corridor. The player waste no time in activating this scripted Cephalo Majini to melee kill it. A total of eight scripted Cephalo Majini with machetes will fall from the ceiling spawn point at the end of the corridor.

The THIRD EXECUTIONER (RED) WILL SPAWN AT 50 KILLS from the ceiling spawn point at the end of the cell corridor. The FOURTH EXECUTIONER (BLACK) WILL SPAWN AT 90 KILLS from the top spawn point above the stairs and he will come toward your character from the chicken area. The FIFTH EXECUTIONER (RED) WILL SPAWN AT 120 KILLS from the ceiling spawn point at the end of the cell corridor. Be sure to be ready for the three Executioner that you will face. The final Executioner is one of the hardest since he will often appear along with Town Majini and Big Man Majini.

At 50 combo, the third Red Executioner falls from the ceiling spawn point at the end of the corridor - his appearance will be slightly delayed like in the video. This video shows how badly enemies can pile up while a player fights an Executioner on the cell side. This player is using Wesker also, so you can only begin to imagine how much of a problem the Executioners can be to handle with other characters.

The player equips a hand grenade and throws it to free up his inventory. It is quicker to equip and throw a grenade than it is to discard it. The discarding animation takes longer.

The fourth (black) Executioner steps through the window to the side. This Executioner spawns from the spawn point above the stairs below the area where the top player starts at 90 kills. He will either step through the window or he will walk toward your cell player from the chicken area at the end of the corridor.

The player notices that his partner is running low on magnum and handgun ammo, so he discards his ammo to give his partner a better chance at receiving magnum and handgun ammo from random enemy item drops on his partner's side.

When no enemies are around, enter the cell with the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS and hit the time bonus. There is no specific time in which you should hit this time bonus - just hit it when no enemies are around. Toward the end of the run - around 140 combo, when the dynamite Majini start to spawn, hop through the window at the south end of the corridor and hit the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS. It's good to save this time bonus until the end since you will have to enter the corridor to kill the remaining dynamite Majini most likely.

The player sets off the scripted Cephalo dynamite Majini. One scripted Cephalo dynamite Majini will fall from the ceiling spawn point at the end of the corridor around 140 combo.

South (Flash) Spawn strategy

Player: Kirin

This is the most popular strategy for the Bottom spawn on Prison DUO.

Blowing open the two walls at the beginning is optional. It can help to speed up the enemy flow, but it's not entirely a necessity. The player in the video uses hand grenades to blow open the wall near the ladder and the wall through the window off to the left of the ladder.

Be sure to pick up the flash grenade on the counter then climb the ladder that leads to the window. Toss a hand grenade or break open the wooden door in the corridor to the right. A STARS Chris player can use an electric round to blow open the door. The door is destroyed so your partner can move through the doorway without having to worry about kicking the door open - a Wesker player will often dash right through the doorway.

Kick through the iron door to the left of the wooden door. A camping cocktail Majini will be on the other side of the door. Your appearance will get him to follow. Don't attack him at the moment. Run into the corridor off to the left and blow open the wooden door and the wall to the right with a hand grenade or an electric round. Hit the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS in the first corridor then hit the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS in the corridor to the right. Blow open the wall beside the second time bonus. If you have nothing to knock down the walls then just kick through the door and hop through the window on the right.
The player uses the time bonus hit animation for invincibility from the hand grenade explosion. The grenade blast will not hurt or make him flinch as long as he is in the arm melee animation.

NOTE: It's in your best interest to blow open the wooden door and the wall beside the time bonus in the far right room. A Big Man Majini can get stuck behind the door or the wall at times and you will have to move up to the top floor and kill him. This happens randomly but blowing open both the wooden door and the breakable wall will make the enemies move out smoother.

Fall from the broken side of the wall and land on the wooden walkway below. Ignore the 30 second time bonus on the ledge up ahead for right now - this is hit toward the end of the run when you have time to hit it. The FIRST RED EXECUTIONER THAT STARTS IN THE STAGE will be coming up the ramp from the basement. Rush by him then run to the 90 SECOND TIME BONUS and hit the time bonus.

NOTE: Sometimes players shoot the Red Executioner to damage him a bit before moving by him. This is optional. Players will sometimes enter the first cell off to the right in the basement and grab the two flash grenades then turn around and kill the first Red Executioner while he stands in the cell doorway and blocks off the Majini behind him. This can be useful for both a Wesker and a non-Wesker. It's really your choice. Either way, you'll need to hit the 90 second time bonus afterwards.

Kill the first Red Executioner then melee kill all the Majini on your way back to the first floor. Step inside the first cell and collect the two flash grenades also. Run over to the right and get in the area with the gas tank on the wall. This will be your main fighting area for the cliffside.

The player in the video hits the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS on the cliffside after exiting from the basement. This is optional. Sometimes players leave this time bonus until the very end of a run and then run and hit it while the dynamite Majini spawn. It's really your choice.

The SECOND EXECUTIONER (BLACK) will spawn at 20 kills from the ledge spawn point above the cliffside. Be ready for him as he falls then kill him. The player on the cliffside will fight a mixture of Town Majini. Many of them will have cocktails as the fight progresses. Many Big Man Majini will also spawn on this side. The cliffside player is the main combo keeper, so be sure to keep that in mind. You will be swamped with enemies at times. Know that the cell player will be fighting an Executioner at 50 kills, 90 kills and 120 kills, so try to keep the combo as best you can around those times.

NOTE: Around 120 kills a scripted Cephalo axe Majini and a scripted Cephalo red wrench Majini will come toward the cliffside player. One of these might go toward the other player, but they mainly go to the cliffside player. Try to instant kill melee or be prepared to fight the Cephalo from a red wrench or axe Majini after 120 kills!

Starting around 140 kills, dynamite Majini will begin to spawn. The time between 138-150 kills can be VERY dangerous - a player can die quickly from dynamite blast (literally get hit during healing animations) with low health so be sure to heal. If you haven't hit the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS on the cliffside, be sure to hit that time bonus toward the end of the run.

Top Spawn strategy [Alternate Kirin Strategy]

Player: Kirin

Bottom Spawn strategy [Alternate Kirin Strategy]

Player: Kirin

I'll add descriptions for each video later. -BK

Resident Evil 5: The Mercenaries - Ship Deck DUO strategy

This is a post for archive information for strategies of Ship Deck DUO in Resident Evil 5 - The Mercenaries.

Chainsaw Majini spawn times:

Chainsaw Majini 1 (blue) - spawns at beginning
Chainsaw Majini 2 & 3 (blue and red) - 20 combo
Chainsaw Majini 4 (red) - 30 combo
Chainsaw Majini 5 (red) - 40 combo
Chainsaw Majini 6 & 7 (blue and red) - 50 combo

North (Chicken) Spawn strategy

Player: Kirin

This is the most popular strategy for the North (Chicken) spawn on Ship Deck DUO.

First of all, keep this in mind: Tower = North, Flash grenade area = Southeast, Crane area = Southwest.

Your character will start on the middle platform of the north tower. Turn around and drop from the ladder. Sometimes players (like me) shoot the chicken from the tower, but a Wesker player can dash kill it, so it's best to save it for a melee kill with Wesker. Climb the ladder in the far north below the tower then run over and grab the combo bonus from the combo chest. Run over to the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS and hit it then start to melee kill the Majini that followed your character up the ladder.

Keep in mind that some of the Majini will fall from the ladder ledge if they are shot while they stand near it (fall = 350 damage), so prepare to fall along with them and melee kill them if they do so. Kill the CHICKEN while it is above the ladder or kill it below. The chicken can get away from your character easily if you don't kill it soon - it can move up the stairs and run to the south while below the ladder.

The player notices that the Majini at the top of the ladder has a red wrench. This red wrench scripted Cephalo spawns from the west crate beside the 90 second timer while a player stands in the tower area. The player shoots it in the head then melee kills the expected Cephalo.

Climb to the top of the tower after killing a few enemies then break the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS at the top of the tower. Grab the ROCKET LAUNCHER weapon from near the zipline. Grab onto the zipline and ride it to the southwest area. Most players leave the north area before 20 combo.

Fall down the ladder on the crate to the right then move over to the ladder that leads up to the stacked crates further ahead to the right. Hop over the crates and break the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS on the last crate. Take the grenade launcher or leave it then fall from the north ladder across from the gate that leads to the crane tower path.

NOTE: It's really up to you whether you take the grenade launcher or not. Some players leave it behind and some players take it. The main reason for picking it up is to get a possible flash or nitrogen round drop. Nitrogen rounds work great on Ship Deck mainly for allowing a player to freeze scripted Cephalo Majini and melee kill them to cancel the Cephalo easily. Some players choose to leave the grenade launcher to have a better chance at other ammo drops however.

NOTE: There are tons of scripted Cephalos on the crane side. Just about every red wrench Majini is a scripted Cephalo. You might get about one or two green bottle Majini scripted Cephalos also. One Majini with a bow gun scripted Cephalo will spawn from the south crate below the crane tower as well. At around 60 combo, three spiked club Majini scripted Cephalos will hop out of the north crate in the area below the crane tower (area with explosive barrel) - the spiked club Majini always come later though.

A Wesker player should fight whatever Majini are in front of the gate then enter the area below the crane tower. The Chainsaw Majini bosses will randomly go to either player if the tower spawn player remains below the crane tower. Be on lookout for scripted Cephalo red wrench Majini and be sure to prepare for their Cephalo by setting it off (shot to the head) and quickly melee killing it with Wesker (or instant kill meleeing the Majini with a non-Wesker).

NOTE: The 60 SECOND TIME BONUS below the crane tower can be broken at any time when no enemies around. BE SURE to break it before leaving!

The player isn't afraid to shoot the spiked club Majini in fear of a potential Cephalo since he knows that the scripted Cephalo spiked club Majini arrive sometimes around 60 combo.

The final pair of chainsaw bosses spawn at 50 combo from the overhead crane tower. They will drop and most likely attack the tower spawn player if that player is in the area below the crane. Allow them to drop then shoot them both the rocket launcher to instantly kill the red chainsaw boss and knock out the blue chainsaw boss. Always prepare to shoot the blue chainsaw Majini once it gets up. It can be fully killed the moment it starts to rise - take advantage of this and kill it then.

NOTE: The chainsaw Majini bosses in this stage can be delayed through the players not killing one of them shortly after they spawn. This happens often at times since you really have to clear the area and make sure that no Majini interfere when you go to fight the chainsaw bosses. Basically, if only one falls after 50 combo, either the other player delayed in killing the first pair or second red chainsaw Majini, or the final pair split up and went to each player (you only got one from the pair).

The player shoots the final chainsaw boss pair with the rocket launcher launcher. He actually saved the scripted bowgun Majini Cephalo to kill it with the rocket launcher as well. Notice how the blue chainsaw Majini does not immediately die - sometimes if the rocket hits during a certain frame of animation, it will take full damage from the boss, but the chainsaw Majini will not immediately fall over. ANY type of hit - flash round, flash grenade, dash, gunshot - should make it drop at that point. In the video, it is knocked out by the red chainsaw Majini's boss explosion! Such irony.

Nitrogen Rounds! Dear god, the holy (hand) grenade (ammo) of Antoc has now been found! Nitrogen Rounds = instant scripted Cephalo cancels.

At around 70 combo, there is sometimes a dry period in enemy spawning on the crane side. The player knows that a bunch of scripted Cephalos are about to appear. Scripted Cephalo red wrench Majini will start to spawn more often and scripted Cephalo spiked club Majini will start to spawn from the north crate. Choose your enemies carefully based on weapon type (avoid red wrench and spiked club that spawn form the north crate) while trying to keep the combo. There is nothing quite like ground meleeing a Majini and setting off a Cephalo as the combo fades. The player in the video seeks out other enemies besides red wrench and spiked club Majini for the most part. Spiked club Majini that do not spawn from the north crate are not scripted Cephalos.

The flash side player will start to leave his area at around 80-90 combo. It's VERY important that you keep the combo by killing Majini at this point. The flash side player will be heading toward the crane tower and he will not get there until sometimes shortly after 100 combo. He will fall and break the 60 second timer in the middle along his way - try to watch for this. He might also break the 90 second timer and the 30 second timer on the way also - this can be broken later though.

Watch the time go up by 60 seconds - the other player just hit the 60 second timer in the middle of the stage. He cannot keep the combo that well at this time, so the tower spawn player is basically in charge of keeping the combo at this point.

The flash spawn player breaks the 90 seconds on the other side of the small tunnel - aka. he is very near!

Kirin use nitro rounds to freeze two scripted Cephalo Majini - a red wrench and a spiked club - then dashes through both of them to cancel the Cephalo and gain a melee kill. This is one example of how useful nitro rounds can be on the crane side.

The flash spawn player breaks the 30 second timer behind the gate that leads to the crane tower. He is very close to the area where he must keep the combo and signal to the other player to move!

The flash spawn player will often get to the gate near the tower at around 100 combo. He will climb the two ladders shortly after that. Once he almost finishes climbing, that player should request an item from your character to let you know to run to the north tower. Once he requests that item, drop everything and run to the north tower! The flash spawn player will keep the combo by killing the four bowgun Majini campers that should be on top of the tower.

Kirin prepares for the movement to the north very well in this video. He freezes a Majini with a nitro round then dashes through it to melee kill it and then dashes to the north. His partner requests an item shortly afterwards. Kirin is prepared to shoot a Majini with his magnum but quickly stops and runs to the north after seeing his partner kill an enemy to keep the combo chain.

Some players run directly to the north and some players stay on the walkway above the stairs and fight enemies for a while - this can help to clear them out and make enemies spawn in the other player's area. The only problem with doing this is that it will give the camping bowgun Majini time to spawn in the north and climb to the top of the tower (one of them does so in this video). So long as a player stays in the area directly in the north area - past the 90 second timer area - enemies will continue to spawn from the north spawning region. Many of the enemies spawn back in the south, BUT you have to stand in the north to make them spawn! Spawning regions, ftw!

NOTE: Notice that the player is constantly trying to tilt his camera up to look at the top of the north tower. He is trying to see if any of the the bowgun Majini campers are up on the tower. Three bowgun Majini and one dynamite Majini will climb to the top of the tower and they will stand there. You'll have to climb the tower and kill them.

The player notices a bowgun Majini climb the ladder. These bowgun Majini will climb the north tower and camp there, so Kirin immediately turns and melee kills this Majini. It's best to block them from climbing.

The tower spawn player stays in the north area and fights off the remaining enemies in the north. When the enemies stop spawning, run down the walkway to the left and break the 30 SECOND TIMER then return and search for more enemies. If it gets down to about 145 kills and no enemies spawn at that time, climb the north tower and make sure none of the camping Majini are waiting at the top. It's very important that you make sure they are killed. In this run, a bit of time is lost because of the bowgun camper at the top.

South (Flash) Spawn strategy

Player: Skylark/ZyZARD

This is the most popular strategy for the North (Chicken) spawn on Ship Deck DUO.

The south player starts on the platform with the two flash grenades. From the start, turn around and pick up both of the flash grenades. When you run down the stairs to the side, you'll immediately have to start melee killing Majini. In the video, the player chooses to shoot the camping cocktail Majini in the distance. This is really optional. Read the information below for more details.

Notice that the STARS Chris player partner in the video discards Chris' magnum ammo from the beginning. Why does the player do this - it is done to give the STARS Wesker partner a better chance at magnum ammo pickups from the beginning! STARS Wesker NEEDS magnum ammo in order to properly melee kill most Cephalos.

The STARS Wesker player shoots the camping cocktail Majini on the high platform below the crane tower. This is done to make the cocktail Majini come to the STARS Wesker player. If he did not shoot the cocktail Majini, it would remain there. A good majority of the time, players will not shoot the cocktail Majini and just leave it so the other player can keep the combo off the cocktail Majini (in an emergency) while breaking the 60 seconds on the other side. Shooting it really helps to increase enemy spawn from the beginning, but you will be swamped with Majini even more! Shooting it to make it move from the beginning is basically optional.

Shooting the cocktail Majini was actually started early on in the Mercs community then players started to not shoot it so the other player might have a chance at keeping the combo off the Majini while on the other side. Shooting it to make it move is completely optional. It WILL increase enemy spawn from the beginning though.

Move down the stairs then break the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS and start fighting the Majini below. A cocktail Majini will always be below the stairs - he can be a problem at times. It's a good idea to shoot him if he ever starts to throw his cocktail while you're getting close to the timer. You can also use the time bonus hit to make your character invincible from the cocktail bottle toss.

The FIRST BLUE CHAINSAW MAJINI SPAWNS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE RUN and he will drop from the crane tower shortly. He is still moving down the crane tower at the beginning of each of run. It's best to clear the area of the first few enemies then get ready for him to drop. Blast him and knock him out with constant powered weapon pressure when he drops. He will only be knocked out once he has suffered enough damage to fall. He will revive in about 5 seconds and go into his raging move. It's VERY IMPORTANT that you keep an eye on him and shoot him the moment that he starts to get up.

NOTE: A blue chainsaw Majini will always enter a berserk mode once it has fallen for the first time - the berserk mode will trigger as the blue chainsaw Majini rises about 5 seconds after falling the first time. He can be killed from the moment he starts to move once again. A player can completely "kill" him before he gets up - this is the best option too. When he starts to rage, he can only be hit in the head, body and arms. His legs are invincible at that point. If you find yourself trapped with him coming toward your character, quickly toss a flash grenade to stun him. Flame rounds work well for the player on the other side also!

Notice how the player is hesitant in shooting the red wrench Majini that falls. Why? Well, that is because this Majini has a chance to be a scripted Cephalo. The player in the video was expecting a Cephalo and missed out on the Majini melee kill with his hesitation. Two red wrench Majini will spawn from the crate above the hopping crates below the 60 second timer further to the north and one of them will be a scripted Cephalo. Picking them apart is all about luck.

NOTE: As shown in the video, one very good fighting spot on the flash side is the area in between the crates where the breakable objects lie. Shoot the breakable crates then fight in that area. All characters have a better chance for multiple melee kills in that area. Be sure to watch out for cocktail Majini while fighting there though.

The player on the flash side is the main combo keeper for up until about 20-25 combo for the most part. You'll literally be the only player keeping the combo, so a lot of times the combo will depend solely upon your actions! The flash side player can get swamped very easily. Bullet kill if necessary in order to keep the combo.

The FIRST CHAINSAW MAJINI PAIR (BLUE AND RED) WILL SPAWN AT 20 COMBO and they will fall into your area sometimes after 20 combo. They will always fall right below the stairs. It's VERY IMPORTANT that you try to clear out as many enemies as possible before they drop and kill them FAST! Kill the red chainsaw Majini first since it is the weakest then focus on the blue chainsaw Majini. You might have to literally leave the blue one alive and kill around it at times in order to keep the combo. It will revive and go into berserk mode just like the first also.

NOTE: The flash side has three types of scripted Cephalos. Two red wrench Majini, two green bottle Majini and two dynamite Majini. One red wrench, both green bottle and both dynamite Majini will spawn from the crate in the north beside the 60 seconds (above the hopping crates). The dynamite will not appear until sometimes after 60 combo. Just know that any dynamite that come from the north at that time are likely scripted Cephalos. The red wrench and green bottle will spawn sometimes near the beginning - they might go to the other player. The second red wrench falls from the overhead crane! He will be the second red wrench that will fall from the crane.

Notice how the player basically stops everything he is doing and focuses his attention on shooting the reviving blue chainsaw Majini. This is how dangerous they can be. If they are allowed to rage, they sometimes have very random movements and are very hard to hit. They can easily kill a player off if you're not careful - Wesker or not.

Sometimes after 20 combo, the other player will finally settle into their fighting area on the west side below the crane tower. This will give both players a much more balanced spawn instead of all pressure being on the flash side player. The SECOND RED CHAINSAW MAJINI WILL SPAWN AT 30 COMBO from the crane tower then drop sometimes after that. The THIRD RED CHAINSAW MAJINI WILL SPAWN AT 40 COMBO then drop from the crane tower. Both of the red chainsaw Majinis can come to the crane side player depending on how close that player is to the tunnel on that side. The SECOND CHAINSAW MAJINI PAIR (BLUE AND RED) WILL SPAWN AT 50 COMBO then drop and attack.

In the video, the STARS Chris player kills the second chainsaw Majini pair with the rocket launcher. The other player has to move into the area below the crane tower at around (or very shortly after) 50 combo in order to make the pair of chainsaw Majini fall on that side. Sometimes, the delay in killing the chainsaw Majinis will delay their arrival times. When playing with a non-Wesker, this can cause tremendous pressure when the non-Wesker has to fight a normal chainsaw Majini along with the pair afterwards. If the rocket launcher is used early, this can REALLY lead to a bad run depending on the non-Wesker on the other side - BSAA Jill, for the lose, in that case.

The player notices the scripted red wrench Majini Cephalo fall from the crane and blasts it in the head to activate the Cephalo then he melee kills the Cephalo. This red wrench will drop after the first red wrench Majini. Two of them drop from the crane and the second will be a scripted Cephalo.

When Wesker falls on the falling dynamite Majini as it dies from hitting the ground, this counts as a melee kill - notice how he gets a +5 second bonus after landing on it. He lands on the dying Majini as it hits the ground. You have to fall as the Majini falls in order to get the melee kill bonus credit.

If Majini ever start to stop spawning at around 60 combo, go ahead and start climbing over the crates. The player in the video does so. Keep in mind that the dynamite Majini that spawn from the north at this point can be scripted Cephalos. Drop to the other side of the crates to the north.

Notice how the Wesker player shoots the dynamite Majini in the head always. He is preparing for a scripted Cephalo spawn in the dynamite Majini. A headshot will immediately set off the scripted Cephalo. A non-Wesker will have to guess with instant kill melees mainly - basically instant kill melee all of them or take chances with normal melees.

One of the green bottle scripted Cephalo Majini arrived late on the flash side. They have the potential to spawn at any time on the flash side.

The flash side player needs to leave the flash side at 90 combo. He needs to break the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS above the ladder to the north before leaving. Climb into the middle area after hitting the 60 second time bonus then break the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS in the middle area. The player needs to run to the crane tower at that time.

Keep the combo on straggling Majini as much as possible, but focus on moving at that time. Move down the middle corridor of crates. It's really up to you if you break the 90 SECOND TIME BONUS while moving toward the other player or not - it can be broken later since the flash player will return to the 90 second spot later. Rush over to the gate leading to the stairs that lead up to the walkway that goes to the crane tower. Kick open the gate and break the 30 SECOND TIMER below the stairs - this timer can be left for when the player returns to this area. It's up to you really.

Rush down the crane tower walkway then climb both ladders. While climbing the second ladder REQUEST AN ITEM FROM YOUR PARTNER to let that player know that you are climbing. You will be the combo keeper at this point. You must keep the combo going while killing the four bow gun Majini campers on top of the tower. It's very important that you kill them SLOWLY when your partner is not Wesker. Non-Weskers are underbalanced- I mean, they have no dash, so they cannot move as fast as a Wesker partner, so you must kill slowly until that player runs all the way to the north tower!

While up on top of the crane tower, break the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS at the top - you can break it while giving your partner extra time to run to the north. Just be sure to kill when the combo starts to blink!

When the player reaches the top, there are only three bow gun Majini! The other has not spawned yet. This can be bad. Thankfully, for this player, the fourth bow gun Majini appears to the side. You MUST kill four of them. If you don't kill four, one of them has not spawned yet. He will camp on the tower if you leave him behind. Try to wait for him. If you have to leave, be prepared to shoot him from long range toward the end of the run. He will be there... taking up valuable time while camping.

NOTE: If the combo is broken while you're up on the tower, take the combo bonus from the combo chest to add a few more points to the overall score. A broken combo will give an overall lower score no matter what though. The combo bonus period will award points as if the combo has not been broken for a 30 second period.

Fall off the crane tower once the time bonus is broken and once ALL FOUR bow gun Majini have been killed. Take out a powered weapon and be prepared to bullet kill to save the combo if needed. You might have to. Run back to the stairs behind the gate. If the 30 seconds has not been hit, hit the timer now!

The flash player needs to spend all remaining time around the area with the 90 second timer. It's best to fight your way to the 90 second timer area and fight there! You will be the main player that will be fighting and keeping the combo. This part can be very dangerous with dynamite Majini, so heal quickly when in low health!

NOTE: When the flash side player returns from the crane tower, a long pipe scripted Cephalo and two dynamite Majini scripted Cephalos will eventually spawn from the crate in the alcove to the left of the 90 second timer (west side of the 90 seconds). All red wrench Majini scripted Cephalos will still be in the area as well. One of them might spawn from the crate in the alcove next to the 90 seconds - he sometimes appears at the beginning of a run and goes to the tower spawn player though.

South (Flash) Spawn strategy [Alternate Kirin Strategy]

Player: Kirin

North (Chicken) Spawn strategy [Alternate Kirin Strategy]

Player: Kirin

I'll get to describing all of these strategies later. -BK

Resident Evil 5: The Mercenaries - Missile Area DUO strategy

This is a post for archive information for strategies of Missile Area DUO in Resident Evil 5 - The Mercenaries.

Top (Office) Spawn strategy

Player: Kirin

This is the most popular strategy for the Top (Office) spawn on Missile Area DUO.

What you do in the office is all based on personal preference really, but Kirin has a great overall start in the video. Hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS then collect the combo bonus from the combo chest and kill the Majini with the green bottle that rushes through the left door. Pick up the flash grenade on the controls to the side. Wesker players will want to grab the green herb on the counter before exiting - he needs all the health he can get for dashing. If you time everything just right, you can kick open the door and knock down the dynamite Majini outside then rush over to his head and critical head stomp him with any character.

Wesker players often use the flash grenade to kill the CHICKEN in the area below. In the video, Kirin tosses the flash grenade down the at the chicken. Some players will pick up the hand grenade and flash grenade in the office then toss the hand grenade down at the chicken. He's obviously much harder to hit with the hand grenade though. Circle to the left along the walkway outside the office then kill enemies along the way. Drop from the dropoff at the far end of the walkway. The 30 second time bonus on the walkway will be hit toward the end of the run - the main focus at the moment is on agitating the camping Majini around the area to increase overall enemy spawn.

Rush toward the middle of the bottom area. This will be your main fighting area. The camping red wrench Majini and the camping megaphone Majini below the stairs off to the right will be alerted, so be ready to melee kill them. The 30 SECOND TIME BONUS in the middle is hit when there are no enemies around. Don't hit it right at the beginning unless there is nothing else to do - some players actually leave this until the very end. It can be used to hit a weakened Majini with the time bonus hit if you can lure one near it. The 60 second time bonus on the platform is best hit later in the run so you can focus on keeping the combo and melee killing.

NOTE: While playing as STARS Wesker, leg shots are better to use than head shots. Missile Area has several random Cephalos that will spawn randomly from a critical head shot. Dynamite Majini are the most notorious for this.

The office player should remain above the stairs for the most part - fight in the area near the 60 second time bonus on the platform or in the area near the missiles. Look below the stairs for spawning enemies if needed. The middle ceiling spawn point is a good place to get a quick kill on Majini that fall from the ceiling spawn point - listen for Majini to spawn from the ceiling.

Fight around the area until 60 combo. The SECOND GATLING GUN MAJINI SPAWNS AT 60 COMBO from the doorway near the ceiling of the central shaft. Be ready for him when he spawns and run over to him then melee kill him. It's not good to fight in the central shaft. Majini can toss dynamite into the shaft and ruin several melee kills as well as damage your character. It's best to fight your way out of the central shaft as much as possible. Kirin spends little time in the central shaft in the video. Work your way back toward the middle near the missiles.

The player watches the combo change to 60 then immediately runs toward the central shaft to kill the second Gatling Gun Majini as he drops. You should get in this habit. Sometimes your path can be blocked though and you might have to stun the Gatling Gun Majini from a distance with a high powered weapon or explosive.

The partner request ammo to let the office player know that he is climbing the tall ladder on the 90 second side. If the partner does not climb before a little after 90 kills, the office player will run out of enemies.

NOTE: There is a way to avoid running out of enemies if the furnace player climbs too late. After killing the second Gatling Gun Majini, work your way toward the 60 second platform and stand near it - this will make enemies from the chicken area spawning region if the other player is too late in climbing. Be forewarned that the scripted Cephalo cocktail Majini is often the first Majini to fall from the ceiling spawn point near the missiles. So basically, if a cocktail Majini falls from the ceiling and the combo is at risk, magnum his ass one, two, three times to kill him and his Cephalo.

At around 85-90 kills, the combo hangs by a thread. The other player's timing in climbing the ladder between that kill number holds great significance over the rest of the run - the enemy spawning on your side. If the player climbs in time and enemies start to spawn then the combo is kept, the run is in good hands.

NOTE: There might be a dry period around 90 combo since the other player might have literally run from enemies in order to climb the ladder at around 90 kills. This means that the other player has enemies nearby and there are most likely some enemies on the walkway above your character.

The scripted Cephalo weaponless Majini falls from above and the player activates it. It can be hard to anticipate the scripted Cephalos from the office side. They will often drop from the overhead walkway and two of them, for sure, will appear after the other player has climbed - Long pipe and weaponless. A machete will drop while the bottom player stands near the 60 second platform as well. They ALL spawn from the ceiling spawn point above the 30 seconds on the high walkway above the office player.

The THIRD GATLING GUN MAJINI SPAWNS AT 90 KILLS from the office above the office spawn player. He will move down the top walkway and then drop to attack the office player. The office player needs to be ready as he drops at around 96-98 combo. It's very important that you're ready to stun him when he drops. Other Majini can easily get in the way, but if he is shot shortly after he drops, this will help out greatly.

The player knocks down a dynamite Majini and faces it's chest then performs a ground melee. He aims Wesker's melee away from the head so as not to activate a potential random Cephalo. Dynamite Majini are the most notorious random Cephalos.

In this strategy, the office player climbs back up to the top walkway on his side at 120 combo. He requests ammo from the other player to let the other player know that he is climbing. One player has to climb a little after 120 combo in order to keep the enemies spawning. If both players are on the bottom, Majini will stop appearing.

The bottom player will hit the 60 second time bonus on the platform below toward the end of the run. As you're climbing the ladder, prepare to keep the combo with a powered weapon if needed. The office player needs to work his way toward the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS on the other side of the walkway and hit it. Try not to leave enemies behind, but run from them if you must in order to hit it. Majini that leave the office and those that spawn from the ceiling above the 30 seconds will pass up your character very often and fall down to the other player if you do not stand in their path.

The dynamite Majini is hit in the head with a knee cannon and spawns a random Cephalo. It's best to avoid hitting a dynamite Majini in the head as much as possible.

This part turns into a mess, but Kirin handles it very well. He knee cannons a dynamite and sets off a random Cephalo from the dynamite. He sets a crowd of Majini and a Cephalo up for a dash melee multiple and gets the scripted machete Majini caught in the middle. He kills one Cephalo and creates another. This doesn't really affect him though since he manages to melee kill all the enemies. Nicely done!

Kirin rushes toward the 30 seconds and sets up a dash melee kill while dashing. He hits a Majini with the dash (200 damage) near the time bonus then shoots it in the legs with the samurai edge handgun (360 damage) and then hits it with Wesker's panther fang from the time bonus hit (300 damage).

200 + 360 + 300 > Majini 800 HP!

And that's how you do it!

The top player hits the 30 second time bonus while above then falls down at around 142 combo - make sure that you stay up at the top until that number or you risk leaving Majini behind when you fall. In this strategy, Kirin drops from the dropoff near the 60 second platform, which is really best. This makes any Majini that trails behind him drop along with him. After dropping, race to the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS near the furnace on the south conveyor belt then hit it before 150 combo.

NOTE: Make sure both players delay the final kill until after the 60 seconds near the furnace is hit, especially if the combo was broken. It's very easy to accidentally kill the final Majini and ruin the run. If the final Majini is a dynamite Majini, it can explode and end the run right then and there, which is part of the evil stuff that can happen on MA. It has happened to me before.

NOTE: If the final Majini does not appear in the area, check the middle conveyor belt. There will be several times where a dynamite Majini walks the middle conveyor belt - just bullet kill the Majini from a distance. Last but certainly not least, check all spawn points for Majini that get stuck in spawn points - this can happen often. The ceiling spawn point above the 30 seconds on the high walkway outside the office and ceiling spawn point in the storage room on the high walkway in the middle are the most notorious for having stuck Majini in them. If this happens to you on a good run, Missile Area just bullshitted you hard and you are yet another victim of the famed stuck Majini glitch.

Bottom (Furnace) Spawn strategy

Player: gaotian13

This is the most popular strategy for the Bottom (Furnace) spawn on Missile Area DUO.

Step off onto the conveyor belt from the start. It's best to shoot the explosive canisters on the conveyor belt to avoid ruining melee kills. The player in the video shoots the canisters on the top conveyor belt as well - you got to be careful when shooting the top canisters since you can easily hit the Majini that run along the conveyor belt. I usually wait until I get to the top - preference.

Kill the Majini on the way to the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS in the distance then hit the time bonus. Kill all the Majini that attack on the conveyor belt. Step up onto the walkway at the end then move up the stairs. A camping Majini with a long pipe will always be near the door at the top, so prepare to kill him. It's important to get to the next combo chest as soon as possible - it will often expire before 10 kills.

Kick through the door at the top of the stairs then pick up the combo bonus in the combo chest and the 2 flash grenades near it - do it in that order since the points for combo 2-20 are the most vital. Be on the watch for Majini that will sneak up behind your character and Majini that will toss dynamite and cocktails at your character from the conveyor belt. Step off the platform and step onto the conveyor belt.

Shoot the two gas canisters if you haven't yet. If you'll ruin melee kills by doing so, then leave them and shoot them when no Majini are around. Fight while on the conveyor belt then, as the second combo bonus period fades, run over to the combo chest on the table below the steps then take the combo bonus. If you have tons of Majini around your character, I wouldn't even worry about the third combo bonus though. Try to stay in the area below the platform while fighting.

NOTE: Any axe Majini that drop from the walkway outside of the top storage room will be scripted Cephalos. There are two of them. If an axe Majini moves toward you from the steps below the conveyor belt, it is most likely the scripted critical axe Majini that spawns from the middle shaft area.

The player takes the combo bonus from the third combo chest before the second bonus period expires. This is really a good idea since this particular combo chest can sometimes be a problem to get to. The combo period starts over once he takes it. The beginning combo numbers are the most important.

The FIRST GATLING GUN MAJINI SPAWNS AT 20 COMBO. He spawns from the doorway above the walkway that extends over the conveyor belt and the two gas canisters. He is likely to shoot at your character from above. Try to run to the side or run under the platform that he is on while he shoots. While he is shooting is sometimes a good time to go and take the third combo bonus - you have to keep moving while he shoots anyway, for the most part!

The first gatling gun Majini starts to fire at the player from the walkway above. This particular attack (his first spray of shots) often cannot be dodged by getting under the platform. The gatling gun Majini is firing from the other side of the gap in the platform, so if the player gets under the platform, he will still get hit. The player runs and kills Majini instead of taking cover. The closer the gatling gun Majini gets, the harder it is to simply run from him though.

The moment the Gatling Gun Majini drops is always a very random moment that a player may not be prepared for. The first Gatling Gun Majini is really the hardest out of all of them with the way a player can't always prepare for his arrival. In the video, the gatling gun Majini fires at the player but hits another Majini allowing the player to quickly shoot the Gatling Gun Majini while being shielded and avoid ruining melee kills in the process! It's best to focus on the Gatling Gun Majini once he drops and try to work other Majini into melees done on him if possible.

After killing the first Gatling Gun Majini and clearing out most of the remaining enemies, the furnace player will dash toward the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS on the conveyor belt and hit it. Only a Wesker should really do this though. Non-Weskers might want to save it for later - it's all in preference though. Move back to the area below the platform after hitting the time bonus.

The furnace player should be sure to try to keep the combo going as much as possible at around 60 kills since the office player will be fighting the second Gatling Gun Majini as it spawns from the middle shaft at that time. At 70 combo, the furnace player needs to drop down the ladder on the conveyor belt and rush to break the 90 SECOND TIME BONUS on the bottom floor. Climb the ladder below and move over the bottom conveyor belt then run and hit it. Don't get in too many fights. If a crowd follows, try to kill some of them, but don't get too involved in fights.

The player tries to leg stun a scripted critical axe Majini. Notice that the head of the Majini explodes after the panther fang melee. There are two scripted critical axe Majini on Missile Area. One of them spawns from the doors above the 90 seconds and one of them spawns from the the doorway above the central shaft. Do not shoot them in head or you'll always get a critical head shot on them.

The player goes back the way he came to reach the other side of the bottom conveyor belt - this is so he can kill the enemies that follow him. If you're pressed for time (around 85-90 combo) climb the other ladder and hurry to the tall ladder.

The player discards his spare magnum ammo to give his partner more of a chance at a magnum ammo drop on the other side. The office player will be dealing with more Cephalos later in the run compared to the furnace player.

The scripted Cephalo megaphone Majini drops from the conveyor belt platform. He spawns from the doors above the 90 seconds. He is the only megaphone Majini that spawns in the 90 second area, so he is easy to see coming. The player sets off the Cephalo with a headshot and then melee kills the Cephalo. Non-Wesker's should instant kill melee the megaphone Majini.

The furnace player needs to climb back to the other side of the bottom conveyor belt after breaking the 90 second timer. The player should climb the tall ladder in between 80 and 90 kills. The player MUST climb in between those number. Climb too early, and you'll leave enemies behind in the 90 second area (they will not spawn), climb too late and you will not activate the enemy spawns for the office player and that player will run out of enemies.

The player requests ammo so his partner knows that he is climbing.

The player shoots a dynamite Majini that stands by a ledge on top of the platform. The shot makes the Majini drop to the floor below. The samurai edge shot (480 damage) and the ledge drop (350 damage) means that that dynamite Majini (800 HP) is dead after it hits the floor below. The only way the player could have saved the melee kill after the Majini fell is by falling with it to land on it. That would have wasted more time than it is worth though.

NOTE: While a player stands on the walkway above the tall ladder, the player is still in the 90 second spawning region - basically enemies will still spawn below if you stand on that portion of the walkway. If you think you might have climbed too early, return to this area later or stand in it for a few seconds and kill off the Majini that follow behind your character. If you climbed right at 80 kills, I would recommend standing above the ladder until about 85 kills. The moment a player enters the corridor to the side, that player exits the 90 second spawning region.

The furnace spawn player should rush straight to the storage room and break the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS inside the room. Fight enemies along the way. Rush back outside the storage room and break the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS on the suspended platform. The furnace spawn player should fight off any enemies that climb up the ladder and any enemies that move down the corridor that the furnace player came from earlier.

Drop from the ladder beside the 30 second platform. Enemies should be spawning below. Pick up the first aid spray if needed then break the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS near the explosive barrel. The other player should climb at around 120 kills, so be sure to keep finding and killing enemies to keep the combo chain going.

Move up to the middle area near the missiles and continue to fight enemies there. Break the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS if the player left it in the middle. Fight in this area and the area around the 60 second platform until the end of the run. When no enemies or only a few enemies are around, climb up on the platform and break the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS on the platform. The other player will hit the furnace timer. Be sure to allow him enough time to hit the furnace time at the end if the kills are around 145 - 149!

The player shoots the spiked club Majini in the leg with a samurai edge shot (360 damage) and the Majini falls from the platform ledge (350 damage). The player doesn't fall in time to ground melee kill the Majini since it recovers as he steps near it, so he dash kills the low health Majini. The Majini only has 90 HP left (800 HP - 360 damage - 350 damage), so Wesker's dash easily kills it (200 damage).

Top (Office) Spawn strategy (Non-Wesker)

Player: Berserker Kev

This run showcases an alternate beginning for the office like I mention in the other video. I first noticed this type of beginning from trout-zero/masuo0 a long time back when he used STARS Chris. Basically, I grab the flash grenade, hit the 60 second time bonus then kill the Majini with the green bottle that runs through the door before I grab the combo bonus from the combo chest. This beginning takes more time, but it will slow a player down long enough to where the dynamite Majini outside will likely be in front of the door when you kick it open.

A non-Wesker is better off using the hand grenade in the office to kill the chicken below. In this run, I throw down a hand grenade at the chicken (watch for the point total to tell you hit it - 2000 points). I drop from the ladder on the left side of the outside walkway in order to keep the combo better. When you drop from the ladder on the left side, a Majini with a machete will always be to your right when you fall. He will be alerted while your character moves above the ladder, so if you quickly fall, he will be moving around the railing of the stairs as your character hits the ground.

NOTE: If you ever see a long pipe Majini spawn from the office ceiling and then run out the right door (while facing the office from the outside) and he does not attack you and completely ignores your character, he is the scripted Cephalo long pipe Majini. If I would have seen him in this run, I would have ran after him and leg stunned him then broke his neck.

I collect the hand grenades in the video, but only a BSAA Chris player would really need these for the Gatling Gun Majini bosses. Move up the stairs then run toward the middle. After you make it to the middle, the strategy goes the same as in the Wesker strat for the most part.

I knew one of the cocktail Majini in the center was the scripted Cephalo cocktail Majini but couldn't get a leg stun on both - notice how I equip the flash grenade to prepare for its spawning. Using this strat, the cocktail Majini from the chicken spawning region has a high potential to spawn as a player reaches the middle area. Once you reach the middle area, he will be spawning or will have shortly fallen if he is there. It's possible that the machete scripted Cephalo Majini can fall from the high walkway above at the beginning as well - this is rare though.

I slowly start to work my way back to the 60 second platform after killing the second Gatling Gun Majini. This part can be difficult at times and your overall movement can depend on the enemy spawning. Always try to make sure that an enemy is in the area that you move to. In this run, I get to move all the way back to the 60 second platform area. I remain around that area (the chicken spawning region) just in case my partner does not climb in between 80-90 combo. This can be self assurance that you will not run out of enemies.

It does not always work though. The chicken spawning region is sometimes slow at making enemies spawn and sometimes, they will take too long to spawn if the other player doesn't climb in time.

It's right at 90 kills and my partner has not requested ammo yet - he hasn't climbed yet. My BSAA Chris hauls ass to the 60 second platform to make sure that enemies spawn. Luckily, there were still many Majini left behind and everything goes well. If my partner had taken longer to climb though, I would have had to stand near the 60 second platform with shotgun in hand and hope that one of the chicken spawn enemies appears in view.

All Majini with machetes and Majini that do not have a weapon are instant kill melee'd if a leg stun is gained on them at this point of the run. After 90 combo, the machete scripted Cephalo Majini will fall from the high walkway and the scripted Cephalo weaponless Majini will fall from above also.

In this run, my partner is the one that climbs the tall ladder at the office end. This is optional. I could have climbed, but as you can see in the video, I always had enemies, so I let my partner climb. The enemy spawn was running very dry by the time he passed by so my character not climbing did impact the overall run a bit in terms of enemy spawning.

Notice the stupidity of the long pipe Majini scripted Cephalo. He doesn't even try to attack right when he first shows up. This particular Majini is highly determined to reach the middle area after he falls - he will not attack until he reaches the middle. I couldn't get a leg stun on him, so I just threw a flash grenade. There is also a red wrench Majini that spawns from above that has this same type of behavior - he is just a normal Majini though.

The ending and everything else is done the same as in the Wesker strat on my side.

Bottom (Furnace) Spawn strategy (Non-Wesker)

Player: Berserker Kev

This strategy really only changes at one key point since the one who climbs the tall ladder back to the office at the end of the run is optional in both Wesker and Non-Wesker strategies. In this strategy, the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS in the middle of the conveyor belt is hit after 110 combo. A player falls from the dropoff on the high walkway in the middle then hits it while on the way to hitting the 30 second time bonus near the first aid spray and explosive barrel.

The discarding of the grenade launcher is for preference really. Some STARS Chris players choose to do it to eliminate grenade round drops in stages where they don't help that much. In Missile Area, nitro and flash rounds are a double edge sword - they can set off cocktail and dynamite Majini and ruin melee kills often if one of those Majini types is hit in a crowd. Some STARS Chris players discard the grenade launcher just to free up inventory and gain more machine gun drops. Some STARS Chris players might even discard since they're so comfortable with playing the character that they don't need the grenade launcher. In this run, I'm a bit of all three.

One of the scripted Cephalo axe Majini that dropped from the high walkway outside the storage room refuses a leg stun and falls, so I ignore him and move on to the next Majini. It's best to save the melee kill on a scripted Cephalo if you have other enemies to kill once they drop with a non-Wesker character. After the Gatling Gun Majini is stunned for the first time, the scripted Cephalo Axe Majini feels the sweet embrace of a Redfield Backhand, which instantly cancels scripted Cephalos. Oh my.

Majini can be worked into the deathblow melee against the Gatling Gun Majini for any character. With Chris, I literally circle the Gatling Gun Majini at times and allow Majini to gather around him before performing the melee. It's an easy way to gain multiple melees off Chris' wide range Backhand deathblow melee with practice.

The stomp done to the dynamite Majini is actually timed to some extent. Chris has the quickest ground melee which gives him less invincibility animation. When I stomp the dynamite Majini, I wait a split second before activating the stomp to make sure that Chris is invincible when the dynamite goes off. It's all about timing and luck really. Keep in mind that if you wait too long, the dynamite can kill off the Majini before Chris' foot hits it - it ruins the melee kill.

The scripted Cephalo Megaphone Majini will sometimes drop from the overhead walkway. He spawns in the 90 second area. It's pretty easy to pick him out since he will either drop from the overhead walkway, move up the side ladder on the conveyor belt or be walking around in the 90 second area when you go to break the 90 second time bonus.

This is really a bad situation right here. I couldn't keep track of where the axe Majini came from, so I neck break some that aren't scripted Cephalos and ruin melee kills on others. You just have to watch where they come from. The axe Majini that climb the ladders can only be scripted criticals (one of them). The axe Majini that fall from the walkway outside the storage room are the only scripted Cephalo axe Majini (two of them). In this run, I thought there were three scripted Cephalo axe Majini at the time, but there are only two.

In this run, I climb once I make it to my partner after 110 combo. It's very important that you try to arrive at your partner's destination in between 110-120 combo. That way, the third Gatling Gun Majini has been defeated and one of you will climb up to the high walkway to make enemies spawn in the stage.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Resident Evil 5: The Mercenaries - Experimental Facility DUO strategy

This is a post for archive information for strategies of Experimental Facility DUO in Resident Evil 5 - The Mercenaries.

Wesker with Wesker

Bottom Spawn strategy (Wesker with Wesker)

Player: Spades408

Hit the 90 SECOND TIME BONUS beside your character on the bottom floor right from the start when the run begins. The player at the top will pick up the top combo bonus in the combo chest. The main goal from the beginning is to collect healing items while the player makes his way to the floor above. Kill Base Majini along the way to the green herb in the corner above the stairs. Pick up the green herb then kill the Base Majini in the area. Pick up the combo bonus from the combo chest once the first combo bonus expires then kill off the remaining enemies and climb the ladder in the corridor.

NOTE: Base Majini can be waiting at the top of the ladder and they can hit a player right after you finish climbing. There isn't much you can do to avoid this besides checking the upper floor before climbing.

While on the next floor, move through the tunnel to the right and kill any Base Majini along the way. Hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS in the cage trap then collect the red herb from the corner of the trap. Get on the ramp to the side of the cage. Pick up the combo bonus from the combo chest off to the left while on the middle of the ramp.

NOTE: Base Majini pile up in the corridor that leads to the third floor. This can often cause combo breaks when both players are moving. Be prepared to deal with a whole crowd of Base Majini while moving to the top of the ramp as they rush out of the corridor. You might have to use a powered weapon to bullet kill one in order to keep the combo at times. This is a factor for all strategies on Experimental Facility.

Fight in the corridor or on the ramp or on the middle platform of the top level. It will differ per run. You want to basically seek out all Base Majini as they spawn and kill them. The other player will arrive to help out the bottom player around the time of about 50 combo. At 55 combo, the Licker Betas start to spawn - this is when both Wesker players are needed on the bottom level.

The bottom spawn player needs to melee kill Lickers and keep an eye on his partner - keep him healed mainly. One of the players will be the main melee killer of the Lickers. That player will stay on the ramp and melee kill the Lickers on the ramp as they spawn. Ones of the players needs to melee kill Lickers on the top level and kill any rocket launcher Majini that move down the top corridor. You've REALLY got to keep an eye out for the rocket launcher Majini.

Rocket Launcher Majini spawn times:

Rocket Launcher Majini A = 10 combo
Rocket Launcher Majini B = 30 combo
Rocket Launcher Majini C = 40 combo
Rocket Launcher Majini D, E = 60 combo
Rocket Launcher Majini F, G = 70 combo
Rocket Launcher Majini H, I = 80 combo

At 100 combo, one of the players should enter the top corridor then climb to the top floor. The enemies will stop appearing on the bottom floor at around 110 combo, so it's very important that one player climb to the top floor. While on the top floor, the bottom spawn player needs to keep the combo as much as possible by seeking out Base Majini that spawn then melee kill them. Lickers wills start to spawn on the top floors eventually. It's really up to you when you hit the remaining 60 SECOND TIME BONUS on the stairs. Some players don't hit it until near the end of the run - just hit it when you have time.

NOTE: It doesn't matter which player climbs the second floor ladder at 100 combo. One player climbs and the other stays below and melee kills the Lickers until 110 combo then hits the 60 second time bonus on the second floor and climbs to the third floor to join the other player.

The player accidentally hits a Licker with Wesker's dash then shoots it twice afterwards and accidentally kills the Licker as the dash animation starts. Remember that Wesker's dash takes 200 damage and each shot from STARS Wesker's handgun takes 400 damage. Lickers have 900 health.

At about 110 combo or sometimes after that, the top spawn player will move up the ladder and join the bottom spawn player. Both players need to stay on the stairs and melee kill the Lickers. It's important that each player take one portion of the stairs and melee kill the Lickers from that end. DO NOT try to help your partner with shooting Lickers unless you must make a quick shot to save the combo. It's best for both players to stay separate and melee kill the Lickers away from each other. The run will end at the top once all Lickers have been defeated.

The bottom spawn player gets pounced by a Licker - the melee prompt for countering the Licker pounce did not appear. When this happens, the partner must save the pounced player. The partner assist option is NOT always the best choice. Keep in mind that Wesker's partner assist melee takes 500 damage and a Licker has 900 health, so one partner assist melee is not going to knock the Licker off unless the Licker has been damaged by about 400 hit points prior to the melee. In the video, the partner blasts the Licker off the pounced player with a Hydra blast. A powered weapon is the least risky option. The partner assist melee is very risky even with prior damage at times since there is usually delay in the knocking off of the Licker.

NOTE: A Licker MUST be killed with the final knockoff hit when trying to hit a Licker off a pounced partner.

Top Spawn strategy (Wesker with Wesker)

Player: Spades408

Turn around and take the combo bonus from the combo chest on the very top floor. the bottom player will most likely start the combo with the first kill. Drop down the ladder directly ahead. The chicken starts right outside the elevator, so it will be walking around the area behind the railing to the right as your character drops. Kill the CHICKEN and melee kill any Base Majini on the top floor. Stay in the area with the railings.

The player stands on the other side of the railing and waits for the armored scripted Duvalia to climb over the railing. If the scripted Duvalia Majini is killed while performing any type of action such as hopping over a railing, its head will explode and the Duvalia will be cancelled. If the player has hopped over the railing and knocked the scripted Duvalia Base Majini to the ground, he could have ground melee killed it and cancelled the Duvalia as well - the combo was at risk in the video though.

Ignore the time bonuses from the beginning. The main focus is on killing the enemies in the area. The FIRST ROCKET LAUNCHER MAJINI WILL SPAWN AT 10 COMBO from the upstairs spawn point, so be ready to kill him when he leaps down. The player in the video starts to leave at 40 combo, but really you leave when you're out of enemies. Hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS in the corridor then go back and hit the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS in front of the elevator when you're starting to leave the top floor. Get in the elevator and ride down to the second floor. The other player will keep the combo while you ride down.

NOTE: You might want to request an item from your partner while in the elevator to let the other player know that you can't keep the combo at that moment.

The scripted Duvalia with the HUNK mask/iron helmet attacks the player. The player backs up and shoots the scripted Duvalia Base Majini in the helmet to knock it down then he ground melees the enemy to cancel the Duvalia spawn and gain a melee kill.

Scripted Duvalias

Base Majini with body armor - begins in the stage
Base Majini w/HUNK mask and brown sleeveless shirt and green pants - spawns from the spawn point near the flower bed on the third floor.
Random Base Majini - spawns from the second floor spawn point near the two railings.
Random Base Majini - spawns from the bottom floor spawn point near the oil barrels.

Hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS after stepping out of the elevator. The top player fights on either the top portion of the second floor or on the ramp. The Lickers will start to arrive after 55 combo. In this video, the top player goes to the third floor and leaves the other player behind at 100 combo. It really doesn't matter which player goes up.

The player that doesn't go up needs to stay on the ramp below and melee kill the Lickers. The enemies will stop spawning on the bottom floor at 110 combo, so the player needs to hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS on the platform at that time then climb and join the other player.

One player must climb the ladder in the second floor corridor then keep the combo by killing the spawning Base Majini on the top floor. The other player will meet up with top player sometimes after 110 combo. One of the players hits the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS on the third floor then both players melee kill the remaining Lickers until the end of the run.

Wesker with Non-Wesker

Bottom Spawn strategy (Wesker with Non-Wesker)

Player: Spades408

The Wesker player starts at the bottom in a Wesker/Non-Wesker duo game on Experimental Facility. He hits the 90 SECOND TIME BONUS then fights to keep the combo while he collects healing items and combo bonuses from combo chest while heading to the second floor. Make sure you hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS in the cage trap since it's very hard to hit later. The non-Wesker player will hit the 60 second time bonus near the elevator, so don't worry about it.

The Wesker player tries to stay on the ramp for the most part since he can easily dash kill Base Majini as they group along the ramp. The Jill player meets up with the Wesker player shortly after she moves down the elevator. She gives the Wesker player all of her healing items so he can fully maximize his dash. The non-Wesker player needs to move down the top corridor and climb the ladder to go to the third floor at 55 combo.

Spades completely maximizes on his health at this part. While still in orange, he doesn't heal since Wesker can still dash one time while in full orange health. Risky... but he needs all the dashes he can get in a duo Wesker/non-Wesker game since he is the only one that can easily melee kill Lickers.

At 55 combo, Licker Betas will start to spawn on the second floor. The Wesker player should remain near the top of the ramp at that point and shoot then dash the Licker Betas. Spades does a really good job at keeping the combo while melee killing each Licker in the video. He spreads damage among them very well and waste little melee kills while killing them.

Spades prepares to start melee killing Lickers so he moves back up the ramp. Shoot, shoot, shoot, dash, dash, dash, knee cannon an uphill Licker.

Spades positions himself over an item so he can use the invincible pickup animation when a Licker attacks. He makes use of it at 4:00.

The Wesker player dash kills Lickers on the bottom until around 110 combo then sometimes hits the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS on the platform (if the other player hasn't hit it) and then he heads to the third floor via the top tunnel ladder. The Wesker player picks up any green herbs near the ladder above. There will always be green herbs (fixed green herb drops from rocket launcher Majini) near the ladder unless the other player has them.

Spades picks up the combo bonus from the combo chest since the combo was broken earlier. This will add a few extra points per kill to the overall score while it remains in effect.

While both players are on top, they both usually stand around the middle of the stairs. They both shoot Lickers and the Wesker player dashes the Lickers. Spades shoots the Lickers that he faces and the Jill player (Okita) shoots the Lickers that he faces all so the Wesker player can dash right through all of them. This strategy continues until the end.

"Okita, get your fine-ass Jill down to the center of the stairs!" The Wesker player uses the "Come on" command to tell his partner to come to the center of the stairs.

Top Spawn strategy (Non-Wesker with Wesker)

Player: Berserker Kev

The non-Wesker player starts out at the top just like the Wesker in the Wesker/Wesker strategy. Grab the combo bonus from the combo chest then fall to the floor below and start killing. Kill the CHICKEN when you have time then start killing the Base Majini. Hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS in the corridor and the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS near the elevator once all enemies nearly stop appearing then get in the elevator and ride it to the second floor. You should leave around 20-30 combo most of the time.

The Base Majini with body armor is always a scripted Duvalia. I kill him off with a hand grenade to help keep the combo since I couldn't get a leg stun on him and he was the only Majini around. He can also be tricked into hopping over the railing - stand on the other side and knock him down by hopping over the railing with your character then ground melee him to cancel the Duvalia and earn a melee kill.

NOTE: Be sure to grab the gold egg from the dead chicken and the green herb drop from the first rocket launcher Majini.

Take a look at the Base Majini with the metal mask and keep his overall look drilled into your head. He is a scripted Duvalia and he will always look the same. He spawns from the third floor spawn point near the flower bed. In the video, I did not know about this scripted Duvalia at the time of this run, so you can see my surprised reaction when he changes. He can be killed by luring him over the railing just like the scripted Duvalia with the body armor.

Picking up any type of item when a grenade or other explosive goes off will keep your character from harm and your character will also not perform a flinch animation from the explosion.

Step out of the elevator and hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS on the second floor. Make your way up the ramp while fighting Base Majini. The non-Wesker player should fight on the top platform for the most part. It's up to you whether you hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS on the platform or not. I didn't do it in the video since there were always enemies to fight usually. If you don't hit it then the Wesker player can hit it on his way up to the third floor after 110 combo - Base Majini will start appearing up there at first first anyway, so the Wesker player isn't needed until about 120 combo really.

NOTE: Be sure to give the Wesker partner most of your healing items - especially the gold egg.

The rocket launcher Majini that move down the corridor can be very dangerous, so be sure to watch out for them and kill them as they appear. They will stand on the top platform and fire rockets at both players if they move out of the corridor.

Make sure to leave the leave the second floor at 55 combo - this is when the Licker Betas start to appear. A non-Wesker cannot help out on the second floor at that time.

NOTE: Be sure to leave behind any green herbs. DO NOT CARRY ANY GREEN HERBS in your inventory. The green herbs that are dropped by the rocket launcher Majini are fixed drops and will not count against a random green herb appearing if your Wesker partner is in low health while they remain on the floor - if you carry one in the inventory, it will count against a random green herb drop.

While the non-Wesker is on the third floor, fight any Base Majini that appear. The rocket launcher Majini will attack the non-Wesker player. Defeat them as they spawn to help keep the combo. There is not much a non-Wesker can do while at the top if the combo is at risk when there are no enemies. A good bit of faith has to be placed in the Wesker partner to keep the combo up until about 100 combo - when the Base Majini start to spawn more often. At around 100-110 combo the non-Wesker player is in charge of keeping the combo on the third floor Base Majini while the Wesker rushes to the third floor.

NOTE: If the Wesker player is pounced below and you have a flash grenade or flash round with the grenade launcher characters, lock onto the Wesker partner and fire or toss the flash explosive and this will knock off the Licker. It's a longshot, but it can work.

NOTE: Do not pick up any green herbs unless you need them to heal. They need to be used immediately after picking them up to give the Wesker player a chance at a random green herb drop if he gets in orange health. At around 110 combo, start collecting the green herbs in the area to have them ready for the Wesker partner when he comes up to melee kill the Lickers.

While fighting with the Wesker partner on the stairs at the end, stay in the middle of the stairs and shoot the Lickers on the side that the Wesker has his back to in order to damage them and set them up for a one hit dash kill! The shots will vary per character obviously. Be sure to aim for different parts of the Licker depending on your weapons strength. Handguns work the best overall.

This is the perfect example of bad luck in a Mercs run. There was absolutely no handgun ammo appearing from enemy drops for quite a while! When I went down to break the crates on the platform below, both were shotgun ammo drops. Sometimes, Mercs luck is not so kind even when a run can seem to be going so well...

Non-Wesker with Non-Wesker

Top Spawn strategy (Non-Wesker with Non-Wesker)

Player: Berserker Kev

The player that starts on the top level takes the combo bonus from the combo chest from the start then falls below. Kill the CHICKEN then melee kill all the Base Majini around the area. They should stop appearing at around 20-30 combo. At that time, hit the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS in front of the elevator and the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS in the corridor then drop to the third floor.

The third floor is where the top player will spend the majority of his time. It's a good idea to fight around the top area or along the stairs during the Base Majini waves. The 60 SECOND TIME BONUS on the stairs is hit whenever you have the time - there is no real special time to hit it.

The bottom player shouts "Go" since he is about to hit the 60 second time bonus on the platform on the second floor - basically, he can't keep the combo well at that time.

The Lickers start to spawn at 70 kills. Once they start to appear, it's best to fight on the stairs for the most part. A non-Wesker character without a grenade launcher will only be able to melee kill a Licker with the counter move (button command) for when the Licker is about to pounce for the most part. Shotguns can flip them if the player aims at a specific portion of the Licker - shooting them in the back leg works pretty well with shotguns. You can also shoot them in their heart area on the bottom side if you are standing downhill from them (mainly with BSAA Jill's handgun) and the shot might flip them.

NOTE: With a grenade launcher, explosive rounds and acid rounds can knock Lickers over and set them up for melee if the grenade round hits them in their front legs - it has to hit them from the front to knock them on their backs.

NOTE: With nitrogen rounds, you can find any sort of surface where your character will drop or jump then freeze the Licker near that obstacle then hop onto the frozen Licker to shatter them for a melee kill. This can be done from dropoffs, railings, raised platforms and hopping platforms (like the ones near the spike trap on the bottom floor). Basically, you have to hop into them to shatter them.

I discarded my machine gun at this point for better luck at getting grenade round drops from enemy item drops. Even though the bottom player did not discard his machine gun, discarding one weapon will limit the drops for the discarded weapon and increase other ammo drops.

When it nears 140 combo and the Lickers stop appearing for the top player, rush down to the second floor by dropping from the ladders. Be careful since Lickers may be in the corridor. Help the partner defeat the remaining Lickers on the bottom floor. The bottom floor will always have the remaining set of Lickers in a non-Wesker duo run.

NOTE: Do not leave the top too early or you might leave Lickers behind (they will not have time to spawn from you standing in the top spawning region). It's really best to leave no earlier than 138 combo. There can only be 12 enemies on the stage at once, so if there are any more Lickers left on the top to spawn by then, they should have already done so.

Bottom Spawn strategy (Non-Wesker with Non-Wesker)

Player: Berserker Kev

The bottom spawn strategy for a non-Wesker/non-Wesker run is much the same as a Wesker run except the bottom player stays on the second floor the majority of the time. Start out by hitting the 90 SECOND TIME BONUS then run up the stairs and kill the Base Majini then grab the green herb. Pick up the combo bonus from the combo chest around the time that the first bonus period expires. You need to climb the ladder between 10-20 combo in order to keep the combo better from the second floor.

NOTE: Go ahead and grab the combo bonus early if needed. Don't just wait around. The beginning combo period is the most vital area (2-20 kills). Grabbing a combo bonus while one is already active restarts the 30 second period. All bonuses are still received.

While on the second floor, grab the green herb and hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS in the spike trap. Move up the ramp. Base Majini will gather in the corridor above the ramp. You might have to make a magnum shot or long distance shots with a weaker weapon to save the combo with how much the Base Majini pile up in the corridor and limit the enemy spawns for the other player. Grab the combo bonus from the combo chest on the middle of the ramp. Spend the majority of the time fighting on the ramp. Try to let the Base Majini come to you.

Hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS on the top platform around 70 combo or whenever no enemies are around. The Lickers start to spawn at around 70 combo. Hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS in front of elevator at around 120 combo or whenever you can fight Lickers along the way to it. Try to make sure that a Licker is moving up the ramp on the way to the timer so you can shoot it and keep the combo better. At around 120 combo, the top player is usually swamped with Lickers.

The bottom player stays on the second floor until the end of the run. The Lickers are greater in number on the bottom floor, but there will be several dry periods where Lickers will not appear that often. Always look to the bottom floor and on the surrounding platforms to search for them. The top player will come and help to clear out the remaining Lickers at around 140 combo. The Lickers appear in great number at around 135 combo for the bottom player.

NOTE: The bottom player can have a problem with ammo at times. It's best to kind of horde ammo from the beginning. There will be several long distance kills on Lickers and you won't be able to get ammo pickups as often as the top player since the drops will spawn away from your character as the long distance enemies die.

Fighting around the cage trap can be very risky. It's really best to stay on the ramp as much as possible. Some players will go below to kill the remaining Lickers on the bottom floor at 145 combo when using other characters besides those with a long range powered weapon (magnum, rifle). It can be risky to go below or near the spike trap, but worth it at times.