Yeah, yeah, I know, I just reused the same graphic from the original Revelations 3DS guide post since I'm lazy. It sort of matches what Capcom did with the overall console port of Revelations in a way. This guide is fully edited to match the console version of the game for the most part. I'm going through Infernal mode at the moment and really... I don't see a reason to do a full extra guide for it. Just about every item is rearranged (especially scans) but the enemies are either the same or slightly remixed per room. The difficulty only picks up at times from what I see. For the most part PSG1 + charge shot 1 = WIN in infernal mode from what I see. I'll delve more deeply into Raid mode once I finish Infernal mode information. It almost seems like all Infernal mode items are the same as 3DS Hell mode for the most part, besides the P90 location in the Solarium.
Oh, and also, I'm heavily updating my Injustice guide off and on still at the moment also. I'm going to try to complete that STAR Labs section eventually. So far, all the info is up for all the DLC characters that have been released so far (Lobo, Batgirl and Scorpion) and I'll add any info for any other character(s) that come afterwards. I'm REALLY enjoying writing for a fighting games. It's such a good break from the usual action game stuff. Not that RE is bad, but well... it's just good to mix it up a bit once in a while.
One more thing, I'm so sorry to be so absent from Youtube lately. I'm just busy with writing (guides and reviews) and just overall real life stuff. I'll get back to making videos eventually most likely. I'm on a 4 month hiatus from Youtube so far. I've been on a 6 month break before as well, so it's not like I've never taken a long break from my Youtube page before. I'm still doing fine. No trouble or anything. Haha.
Yaay!!! Finally back Berserker eh ?
You got Kik ?
Nah, I'm always here - just very silent lately. I'll be getting louder as the year progresses I think. I like to be heard after all. :)
Kik? What is that?
Kik is like whatsapp only with usernames.
I have a question.
Is a XBox 360 Live Gold Membership necessary to redeem microsoft points to your account ? Please answer quickly, thank you.
No, you don't need Xbox LIVE gold to redeem points or buy any content on the marketplace. Once you buy a subscription card, you can enter the code and the points will be added to your account. All you need gold for is playing online, access to special demos, applications, and a few other things exclusive to gold members.
BTW, I'd make sure to buy a points card instead of entering a credit card number to buy them on Xbox Live. In the end, it's up to you though. I've always bought a points card myself. Haha.
Hahaha. but when i try to enter and redeem they sorta force me to give my credit card number. Like: i enter the code, i click on redeem, they want my email and billing adress and i dont know what to do to avoid this. PLEASE...HELP...
Yeah, I remember that when I was using secondary accounts on Xbox. It's just a way to check your identity since you're not purchasing on that account much or are purchasing for the first time. I had to do that when I bought points for a secondary account one time too.
Just go ahead and enter what it tells you to. It wans to verify your information basically. It shouldn't ask for a credit card number. The billing adress won't matter since they have nothing to bill you for without a credit card number, right? Haha. All you're filling out is just verification information. You have to fill it out for identity purposes. Once you do, the code will activate.
*on a secondary account
*it wants to verify
Rushing through a post with no proofreading, ftw!
Thank you very very much for your help and advice !!!
But are you really sure that there won't be a bill sent to me or something like that ? Cause if that happens...my father is going To KILL me.
Nah, they can't bill you without your credit card number. So long as you have never entered your credit card number into the Xbox, they can't bill you.
It should only ask for your name, address, email and other identification information. All it's doing is trying to verify that you are the owner that is on that account. You shouldn't have to do that again the next time you enter a points card code. It's probably because this is your first time to purchase anything on it.
Good thanks *sighs in relief*...!!! thanks for all your help and advice ! :-)
It wooooooorked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wooooooo!!!!!! Thaaaank youuuuuuuu Kev !!!!!!!! you are THE BEST !!!!!!!
Glad to hear it! :) You shouldn't have to enter all your information the next time you input a code.
Hallo - Es ist gut, wie interessante Inhalte zu lesen. Ich stimme mit vielem, was hier geschrieben steht, und ich werde wiederkommen.
Nochmals vielen Dank für die Buchung so große Lektüre !! Um weitere relevante Informationen finden Sie hier
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