One more, at least...

I received a few emails about writing a guide for Darkside Chronicles throughout December. I didn't really care too much for the game back then. With Umbrella Chronicles, I took a break from the game and came back and then wrote a very enjoyable guide for it. The same effect seems to be happening with Darkside Chronicles.
I'm up to chapter 4 in Memories of a Lost City right now and I'm getting it done rather quickly for just having started on it a few days ago. It's going to be in the same style as Umbrella Chronicles was.
I received some motivation from a friend. Thanks silentman! :)
It pleases me greatly that I now actually want to write for Darkside Chronicles since I planned to from when it was announced... just lost the motivation, but I've found it once again and it's really strong now!
Memories of a Lost City (RE2) FINISHED
[X] Chapter 1
[X] Chapter 2
[X] Chapter 3
[X] Chapter 4
[X] Chapter 5
[X] Chapter 6
[X] Chapter 7
[X] Chapter 8
Game of Oblivion (RE:CVX) FINISHED
[X] Chapter 1
[X] Chapter 2
[X] Chapter 3
[X] Chapter 4
[X] Chapter 5
[X] Chapter 6
[X] Chapter 7
Operation Javier INCOMPLETE
[X] Chapter 1
[X] Chapter 2
[X] Chapter 3 - FINISHED 1/22
[X] Chapter 4 - FINISHED 1/24
[X] Chapter 5 - FINISHED 1/25
[X] Chapter 6 - FINISHED 1/26
[X] Chapter 7 - FINISHED 1/26
I'll release it when I'm done with all chapters and have all files located in those chapters. There's still some that I'm unsure of...
Extra Tasks
[ ] Good Intro
[X] Write out a Basics section - FINISHED 1/26
[ ] Add Normal mode files to all chapters
[ ] Add Hard mode files to all chapters
[ ] Confirm most of the files
[ ] File Checklist section
[ ] Weapon section?
[ ] Characters section?
[ ] Proofread Berserker, PROOFREAD! (the most important step in FAQ writing)
Proofing and File Additions checklist (for me)
Memories of a Lost City (RE2) COMPLETE
[X] Chapter 1 - FINISHED 1/29
[X] Chapter 2 - FINISHED 1/30
[X] Chapter 3 - FINISHED 1/30
[X] Chapter 4 - FINISHED 1/31
[X] Chapter 5 - FINISHED 1/31
[X] Chapter 6 - FINISHED 2/1
[X] Chapter 7 - FINISHED 2/1
[X] Chapter 8 - FINISHED 2/2
Game of Oblivion (RE:CVX) INCOMPLETE
[] Chapter 1
[] Chapter 2
[] Chapter 3
[] Chapter 4
[] Chapter 5
[] Chapter 6
[] Chapter 7
Operation Javier INCOMPLETE
[X] Chapter 1 - FINISHED 1/27
[ ] Chapter 2
[ ] Chapter 3
[ ] Chapter 4
[ ] Chapter 5
[ ] Chapter 6
[ ] Chapter 7
(Might release before all of ^these are finished)
Hi, didn't notice you're back until you post on my blog ^
Btw, just wondering had you notice the RE Darkside Chronicles appears as a FAQ Bountry at GameFAQs? Get the price! lol
Hey Seph!
Yeah, I saw the FAQ Bounty. It really doesn't matter to me if I get it or not. I'm rushing the FAQ because I plan to work on RE5 Alternative/Gold Edition next month. I really should have started on DSC earlier rather than a few weeks ago. ;)
Whether or not I get the bounty doesn't really matter. It would be a nice bonus though.
Haha. Had to throw in the Josh reference there. xD
So the Gold Edition = JPN version of Alternative Edition right? Didn't notice there's a gold edition released. The bounty for DSC is $50 consider a high paid FAQ ^o^ Why didn't they pay this amount for the iPhone game FAQs, I'll sure complete all of them :p
I think the Xbox 360 version is called "Gold Edition" and the PS3 version is called "Alternative Edition". The PS3 version makes use of Sony's motion controls.
Haha. I really feel that GameFAQs should give a higher bounty for some of the Wanted FAQs that they have. Giving just the purchase price for some games really isn't enough for an FAQ that takes at least a week or two to do.
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