Friday, February 29, 2008

Devi May Cry 4 - Angelo Credo Move List


This is a list of the appropriate times that a Buster can be performed to Credo. Buster = Nero's Devil Bringer grab (O [PS3] or B [X360]).

Boss AttackDescription
Normal GrabGrab Credo with a Buster after dodging one of his series of attacks.
BeatdownGrab Credo with a Buster after stunning him from continuous hits that break his shield. He will stagger.
Javelin CounterWhile Credo tosses javelins at Nero, grab a javelin with a Buster by pressing the O button while it flies at Nero (not the instant before it hits, but a bit before that time) then aim at Credo before Nero tosses it back to impale Credo.


Boss AttackDescriptionAvoidance
Javelin TossCredo dashes backwards then takes out a glowing javelin and tosses it with his right hand. He tosses two more javelins with his left hand followed by his right hand again. He will stop if any of them hit your character.Jump or roll the right before they reach your character. You can also run to the side from a far distance. Use a Buster as it flies toward your character to counter this and throw it back.
Sword Combo 1While walking toward Nero, Credo readies his sword then performs a normal slash, upward slash, downward slash, then ends the combination with an overhead slash.Dodge the first two slashes with a roll then roll from the overhead slash. You can also jump away from him or use a DB snatch to vault over him before he starts slashing. This move can also be interrupted with a well-timed slash to counter his first slash.
Sword Combo 2EWhile walking toward Nero, Credo leans back then performs two quick flashes followed by an overhead slash.DB snatch him to vault over him or jump away from him. This move can be interrupted with a well-timed slash to counter his first slash.
Counter 1After blocking an attack, Credo unleashes a rising slash into the air then performs a falling overhead slash.Roll to the side to avoid each slash - one roll for the rising slash then another for the falling overhead slash.
Counter 2After blocking an attack, Credo hovers slightly above the floor then slashes, sending an energy wave to the ground in front of him.Roll right as Credo slashes or jump before he slashes.


Boss AttackDescriptionAvoidance
Sword SpiralSwords appear all around your character. The swords turn inward and fly toward your character in groups of two at a time.Slash them all by turning different ways while performing a combo or jump, Air Hike, then roll when your character hits the ground.
Light SwordsWhile hovering, Credo forms a vertical row of swords and shoots them toward your character then he forms a horizontal row of the swords and then shoots those.Run and jump to the side.
Custom Combo 1Credo flies forward while in the air and slashes as an energy wave hits the ground. He speeds toward your characters and performs an uppercut slash followed by a downward slash.Jump then roll from the uppercut slash and the downward slash.
Custom Combo 2Credo dashes forward and performs three slashes, an uppercut slash that sends him into the air, an energy wave in the air, then flies downward and points his sword and dashes at your character with a thrust.Roll from the first slash and keep moving to the side you roll from, jump to avoid the energy wave, then roll or jump to avoid the thrust.
Energy Wave ComboCredo flies toward your character and slashes to make an energy wave. He quickly flies into the air and performs another energy wave slash then flies back to the ground to perform one more energy wave slash.It is possible to roll from all three slashes with good timing but it is easier to jump to avoid them individually.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Poll #8 - How far have you made it in the Bloody Palace survival mode in DMC4?

So up to last night I had only made it up to about Stage 27 in Bloody Palace. I never really had experimented that much with Nero's level 3 charge blast outside of shooting Mephistos, Fausts, and Blitzs, but I decided to change the button layout a bit just to see how well the level 3 charge blast worked on other enemies in Bloody Palace. When I reached Stage 40 I was more than conviced that it was helpful - I had to turn it off and leave then though.

Later last night, I decided to play Bloody Palace again with Nero just to experiment with some stuff and before I knew it, I was up in the 60 range of stages. I decided to continue just to see how far I could make it. Credo almost stopped me on Stage 80 - literally one more hit and I would have been defeated as I defeated him. Fighting two Blitz wasn't really that bad with Nero and the armada of Angelos on Stage 99 was fairly easy. Dante on Stage 101 was pretty scary, especially since I had almost lost sanity by then, but I managed to beat him to complete Bloody Palace.

With Nero's charge blast on constant charge, I didn't even really need Exceed moves. Level 3 Ex Streaks helped out some, but the level 3 charge blast was the main savior for me. That move is way too useful.

So, how far have the rest of you made it?

Poll #7 - Results

Yeah, yeah, I know, I forgot Cerberus. :p

What are your favorite Devil Arms in the Devil May Cry series?

Agni & Rudra
33 (22%)

26 (17%)

32 (22%)

Force Edge
11 (7%)

26 (17%)

14 (9%)

18 (12%)

11 (7%)

52 (35%)

Red Queen
40 (27%)

64 (44%)

Total Votes: 145

Yamato wins with the runner up of Rebellion. Both Vergil and Dante's trusted weapons are your main favorites!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Devil May Cry 4 - Echidna Move List


This is a list of the appropriate times that a Buster can be performed to Echidna.

Buster = Nero's Devil Bringer grab (O [PS3] or B [X360]).

Boss AttackDescription
ImpaleGrab Echidna with a Buster after stunning her with enough attacks. She will lean over and stagger.
Egg-Sac PummelGrab Echidna's egg sac with a Buster after she opens up her snake body to reveal the egg sac. Jump and grab.
Riding ImpaleWhile Echidna dashes in from the background while glowing, perform a Buster a few moments before she dashes at Nero to make Nero plunge the Red Queen into her and ride her while damaging her.


Boss AttackDescriptionAvoidance
Tail SlapEchidna quickly slaps her tail across the area in front of her starting from her right. Watch for her tail to move in the back of her as she whips her tail around to her front.Roll toward her tail (to the left) or jump.
Hair SlapEchidna starts from her left then slaps her hair tentacles to the right then to the left while looking down.Roll toward each appendage slap (right then left), Air Hike above her and fire Blue Rose or Air Hike backwards then fire Blue Rose.


Boss AttackDescriptionAvoidance
BurrowEchidna stands straight up on her tail and burrows into the ground then opens her snake mouth to reveal her body. The petal-like side of the viper mouth can hit your character when she falls into the ground from above.Back up and stay away from her snake body.
Ground TentaclesWhile burrowed, Echidna sends tentacles through the ground and makes them surface and smash whatever is front of them.Roll or run.
Tentacle StabEchidna waves her arms and tentacles shoot out of the ground below your character. Watch for the holes to appear below your character.Roll or run.
Force BlastEchidna holds up both arms and sends out a small force blast all around her. This doesn't damage but it will stun your character if it hits.Jump.
Hair SlapEchidna leans her head back then slaps to her right then to her left with her hair appendages.Roll toward each appendage slap (right then left) or jump and fire Blue Rose.
Burrow EscapeEchidna's petal-like appendages (viper head) begin to shake as she quickly unearths her entire body. The petal pieces will hit if your character is anywhere near them.Target her when her petal-like appendages shake then jump directly backwards.


Boss AttackDescriptionAvoidance
Egg Laying StanceEchidna opens her snake body up around the area to stand on her appendages. She begins to lay Chimera Eggs from her egg sac below the bottom section of her body. The eggs will hatch into Chimera Seeds.Roll to avoid the appendages or move in between them.
Biting LungeEchidna quickly lunges toward your character and tries to bite him with her viper head.Perform a well-timed roll to either side as the viper head approaches. A level 3 charge blast will canel this move.
RamWhile retreating from her propped up position, her snake body coils to the side and the viper head closes and remains still for a brief second then suddenly darts straight ahead. While she is glowing, she locks on to your character's current location.Move away from her viper head or roll as she begins to move. While she is glowing, your character will have to roll.
Seed ShotsWhile her body glows, seeds form on her snake body throughout the rest of the battle. Echidna shoots these seeds in waves whenever she attacks or moves by your character. Watch for her body to glow then watch for the seeds on her snake body then prepare to dodge as the seeds shoot toward your character.Move, roll, or jump away from the seed shots.
Punching LungeWhile her body is glowing, Echidna lunges at your character with both her arms outstretched. She will not use the viper head anymore while flying around and glowing. She actually targets your character more often while glowing instead of moving by him.Perform a well-timed roll to either side as she approaches. Perform a Buster to her mouth before she hits Nero. A level 3 charge blast will also cancel this move.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Devil May Cry 4 - Bael Move List


Boss AttackDescriptionAvoidance
Lunging BiteBael lunges forward with his mouth open in an attempt to swallow your character.Roll to the side or jump.
Ice ShockwaveBael's stomach expands then he breathes out a shockwave of ice directly in front of him.Roll to the side, jump, or run.
Ice ShowerBael shakes his back and fires ice pellets up into the air that rain down near your character.Run to the side or roll to the side.
BlendBael's stomach expands then he breathes out a gas that allows him to blend into the environment. The Rusalkas will attack after he blends.N/A
CrushBael leaps into the air and attempts to land on your character. His shadow will appear over the character.Roll or run out of his falling path.


He turns red at the end of the battle and these moves are added to his existing move list. He will no longer send out the Rusalkas to attack but instead pound your character with them!

Boss AttackDescriptionAvoidance
Full Body FreezeBael freezes himself and waits for your character to get in front of him so he can quickly lunge and swallow the character.Don't stand in front of him.
Feeler SlapBael's feelers glow as he moves them to his right then slaps them in front of him.Roll the split second he slaps, jump, or stay away from him.
Feeler SmashBael's feelers quickly glow then he smashes them against the ground in front of him.Roll the split second he smashes or stay away from him.


Boss AttackDescriptionAvoidance
FreezeA Rusalka hovers forward with her tentacles outward. She freezes your character and Bael jumps out to swallow him if the attack connects.Jump, roll, or run away from it.
Tentacle BladeA Rusalka forms a blade with one of her tentacles then performs an upward slash.Jump, roll, or move away.
Blade SpinA Rusalka turns two tentacle to blades then spins with the blades outstretched towards your character.Jump, roll, or move away.
Upward Blade SpinA Rusalka spins two tentacle blades then moves upwards into the air and comes down again while still spinning.Move away from it.
Ice PelletsWhile remaining invisible, Bael fires down a group of ice pellets near a Rusalka.Roll or move away from the Rusalka as the ice pellets begin to fall.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Devil May Cry 4 - Berial Move List

Boss AttackDescriptionAvoidance
Horizontal Slash 1Berial leans his sword to his right with both hands then swings to the left.Jump to avoid this move or you can dodge it with a well-timed roll.
Horizontal Slash 2Berial moves his sword upward then behind him and then swings to his right. There is a slight delay right before this swing.Jump to avoid this move or you can dodge it with a well-timed roll.
Horizontal Slash 3Berial swings his sword to his right then pauses and swings it back to his left.For both swings, jump to avoid them or you can dodge it with a well-timed roll for each swing. He usually starts performing this toward the end of the battle.
One Hand Horizontal SlashBerial quickly slashes starting from his left. This is his quickest slash.Jump to avoid this move or you can dodge it with a well-timed roll.
Turning SlashWhile on either side of Berial, he begins to turn then slashes horizontally shortly before moving his blade upward while turning his lower half then stomps the ground making flames rise below him on all sides.Perform a well-timed roll as he slashes or jump to avoid (only while close to the side he starts from). Stay away from his lower body also since he stomps the ground and flames appear around his feet.
Flame SummonBerial growls then surrounds his body with flames once again. He will do this after his flames have been extinguished and sometimes when his flames have been weakened.Stay away from him. His flames surrounding his body can hit for a few brief seconds when he ignites.
Flame EruptionBerial's midsection begins to glow as he charges then unleashes a fire explosion everywhere around him.Run away from him and keep your distance.
Lava PillarsBerial charges his right hand and sends fire into the ground then four lava pillars rise in sequence below your character.Run and maybe roll or jump from the last one or two to escape any move he may perform during this attack.
Beast UppercutBerial uppercuts with his right hand.Don't jump near his right side (your left) toward the end of the battle. He only performs this attack when your character jumps toward his right side.
Jumping OverheadBerial crouches and leans his sword to his right for a second then lunges forward with an overhead strike.Roll to the side. It is possible to escape this by running but make sure that you are not directly in front of him, otherwise roll. This is a long/mid-distance attack.
Burning RamBerial's horns light up as he surrounds his body with flames. Berial quickly lunges in his burning state.Perform a well-timed roll as he lunges or run to the side. This move can be dodged by jumping and air hiking as well. This is a long distance attack.
Back Leg StompBerial lifts his back legs into the air then stomps the ground beneath him. He will only do this while your characters is behind him and standing.Jump away. This is an extremely quick attack.

As with any action game, I feel that learning each boss' move set is the most important part of any boss battle. Once you know a boss' moves and the animations that go along with them then the battle becomes much easier since you can watch for certain animations and react quickly to dodge them. With that said, I'll be listing up the rest of the bosses soon.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Devil May Cry 4 - Exceed System Mini Guide

Exceed System

The Exceed system allows Nero to rev up his Red Queen blade via the fuel injection system. This causes the blade to ignite as a special propellant powers up the blades next attack. The blade will glow red and the next attack will be more powerful than normal.

The Exceed gauge is located in the upper left corner of the screen. As Nero powers up the Red Queen, one level (or bar) will appear as the gauge on the left side of the screen pumps up with enough power.

The Red Queen starts out with only the option of using Level 1 moves even if more than one level is saved up but by purchasing Exceed 2 and Exceed 3, Nero will automatically use two or three levels respectively for even more powerful version (EX) of special moves.

How to Charge the Exceed Gauge

There are two ways to charge the Exceed Gauge:

A) Press and hold down on the L2 button then tap and hold it again. A certain momentum must be used to rev up the blade while tapping and holding the button. The blade should be able to receive a 40% charge with a correct press of the L2 button allowing the gauge to be fully charged with three presses of L2. This method can be used to power up the Exceed gauge to level 3.

B) Use the Instant Rev or EX-Act to get one full charge per attack. Press the L2 button near the end of any Red Queen attack with the correct timing and one full bar will be gained. Even a full combo (such as Red Queen Combo A) can be fully Instant Revved to make each attack hit with a stronger force. This method is what makes the Exceed system extremely useful. It is not as hard as it sounds and I will break down each attack for you below to help you understand the proper timing.

Instant Rev Timing

Let's make an example of Nero's full Red Queen Combo A first of all.

The full combo is: /\, /\, /\, /\

While instant revving, you should enter the commands this way:

(- = the amount of time in between button presses. Basically, a fraction of a second.)

/\--L2, /\-L2, /\-L2, /\---L2

While performing this combo the first L2 command must be entered very close to the end of the first slash in order to get an instant rev. The second and third /\ presses require an almost immediate - but not simultaneous - press of the L2 button. The L2 press is just following the press of /\ but not at the same time. The final /\ press causes a very delayed final hit that must be instant revved as the blade hits the ground, so the L2 press is delayed like the first press in this combination but slightly more delayed. It's all about timing and becoming familiar with a certain momentum that each combination of slashes requires.

Now let's look at a single attack such as High Roller.

The input is: Lock-on, back + /\

While instant revving, the commands should be entered as follows:

Lock-on, back + /\---L2

In this example, the L2 press is inputted at the extreme end of the High Roller attack. Basically, you have to press the L2 button right when Nero holds his blade downward as the air slash ends.

I'll get more deep into the Instant Revving in a bit.

Attacks that are powered up by Exceed

Every attack from Nero's Red Queen can be powered up through the use of the Exceed system but only a few of the attacks actually look more powered.

For instance, the following attacks all have some very noticeable changes when performed with at least a Level 1 Exceed unit:

Streak - * EX Streak
High Roller - EX High Roller
Shuffle - EX Shuffle
Split - EX Split (Double Down)
Calibur - EX Calibur

(* may be charged)

Just a normal slash in a combination of slashes will hit harder (more likely to knock down a powerful enemy) and slightly faster while the blade glows, but the effects are minimal for a normal slash.

NOTE: While charging an EX Streak, the blade can be revved up by tapping and holding the L2 button much like when standing. It sports a cool little animation with Nero laughing as the blade is revved up.

The Different Levels of Exceed

Even though Nero can always build his Exceed Gauge up to level 3, he cannot use all three levels at one time with only Exceed 1, which he begins the game with. By purchasing Exceed 2 and 3 this will allow Nero to instantly unleash a Level 2 or 3 Exceed attack depending on how much the Exceed Gauge is filled.

The MAX-Act Ability

MAX-Act will charge the Red Queen fully if the button is tapped at a precise time during an attack. MAX-Act is very similar to the Instant Rev but this requires some extremely precise - EXACT - button pressing. If the press is not timed absolutely perfect then a normal instant rev will be initiated to charge the EX gauge by only one level.

Learning the Instant Rev system very well will allow one to get the timing down for a MAX-Act press sometimes. The timing is so very precise that mastering the MAX-Act is the most complicated part of mastering Nero. If the timing can be mastered then you will be able to release Level 3 Exceed attacks one after the other, especially since a MAX-Act can be initiated during a Level 3 Exceed attack!

Precise Timing For Instant Revs

As already mentioned, Instant Revving an attack requires some well-placed timing with an L2 press near the end of the move. The following information will help you to learn more about the instant in which to press the L2 button to instant rev each of the Red Queen's attacks and combination slashes. I am not going to get EXTREMELY detailed with the precise timing since a lot of it depends on the player learning the flow of each move along with the frame of animation or exact fraction of a second in which to press the L2 button. The information below should be enough to give a player an idea of how to approach each L2 tap during a command.

And one final thing, Instant Revving is NOT hard. You just have to learn the proper timing and practice that proper timing against an enemy. Hitting an enemy while instant revving feels a bit different than slashing normally while instant revving. Learn this technique and Nero will be much more interesting and fun to control.


Here's the way to read this portion:

-- Name of Move

Line 1 - Normal Command Input

Line 2 - Command input with L2 (Instant Rev) presses

Line 3 - Command with L2 presses broken into sections for each individual slash (letters are used so I can describe each attack below it). This line is only available for combination attacks.

Line 4 - Each L2 button press broken down with a word explanation of when to tap it after pressing /\.


Full Move List with Instant Rev Timing

(- = the amount of time in between button presses. Basically, a fraction of a second.)

-- Red Queen Combo A

Normal Input: /\, /\, /\, /\

Input with Instant Rev: /\--L2, /\-L2, /\-L2, /\---L2

A) /\---L2, B) /\-L2, C) /\-L2, D) /\---L2

A) Press the L2 button the fraction of a second before Nero's blade can be seen on the screen when he holds it downward with his left hand after swinging.

B) Press the L2 button the fraction of a second just before Nero's hand appears behind him while he holds the handle the sword.

C) Press the L2 button the fraction of a second before the slash of the third slice can be seen in front of Nero.

D) Press the L2 button the exact moment that Nero's blade hits the ground.

-- Red Queen Combo B

Normal Input: /\, pause, /\, /\, /\, /\, /\, /\, /\, /\, /\, /\

Input with Instant Rev: /\--L2, pause, /\---L2, /\-L2, /\, /\, /\, /\, /\, /\, /\, /\---L2

A) /\--L2, pause, B) /\---L2, C) /\-L2, D) /\---L2

A) Press the L2 button the fraction of a second before Nero's blade can be seen on the screen when he holds it downward with his left hand after swinging.

B) Press the L2 button right when Nero's blade hits the ground.

C) Press the L2 button right when Nero's blade hits the ground.

D) Press the L2 button the fraction of a second directly after Nero pulls the blade out of the ground. You should be able to see the blade behind him as it charges.

Extra Notes: From what I have seen only the first three attacks and the final attack can be Instant Revved. I have tried the rapid strikes but can't ever get an Instant Rev from them.

-- Red Queen Combo C

Normal Input: /\, /\, pause, /\, /\, /\, /\

Input with Instant Rev: /\---L2, /\-L2, pause, /\---L2, /\-L2, /\-L2, /\--L2

A) /\---L2, B) /\-L2, pause, C) /\---L2, D) /\-L2, E) /\-L2, F) /\--L2

A) Press the L2 button the fraction of a second before Nero's blade can be seen on the screen when he holds it downward with his left hand after swinging.

B) Press the L2 button the fraction of a second just before Nero's hand appears behind him while he holds the handle the sword.

C) Press the L2 button at the very end of both slashes when Nero holds the blade behind his back with his left hand.

D) Press the L2 button right before Nero holds his left hand behind him after the slash.

E) Nero will spin with this slash. Press the L2 button right before the blade spins to his right side.

F) When Nero holds the blade to his right while it is in the back of him after the final slash, press the L2 button as the move ends.

Extra Notes: The hardest part of instant revving this combo is the third hit. The third hit instant rev L2 press is so extremely delayed that it can mess up the timing for the rest of the combo. The instant rev and timing for the next /\ presses are extremely close together. Practice!

-- Red Queen Combo D

Normal Input: /\, /\, /\, pause, /\

Input with Instant Rev: /\--L2, /\-L2, /\-L2, pause, /\---L2

A) /\---L2, B) /\-L2, C) /\-L2, pause, D) /\---L2

A) Press the L2 button the fraction of a second before Nero's blade can be seen on the screen when he holds it downward with his left hand after swinging.

B) Press the L2 button the fraction of a second just before Nero's hand appears behind him while he holds the handle of the sword.

C) Press the L2 button the fraction of a second before the slash of the third slice can be seen in front of Nero.

D) Press the L2 button the exact moment that Nero's blade hits the ground.

Extra Note: This combo is instant revved the exact same as Combo A, the pause at the end is the only difference, but the instant rev for the final move still has the exact same timing as Combo A.

-- Aerial Combo

Normal Input: (in air) /\, /\, /\

Input with Instant Rev: /\--L2, /\-L2, /\---L2

A) /\--L2, B) /\-L2, C) /\--L2

A) Press the L2 button about mid-slash.

B) Press the L2 button the exact moment that Nero leans his blade back after swinging.

C) Press the L2 button the exact moment that Nero holds his blade behind him after swinging.

Extra Notes: Above all the Instant Revs, you should definitely learn this one. Being able to charge up the gauge in the air will allow you to possibly be able to charge a full gauge through the use of the MAX-Act upon hitting the ground! Also, just simply jumping into the air and instant revving only the first slash of the Aerial Combo is much faster than a constant cranking of the Exceed gauge.

-- Roulette Spin

Normal Input: (in air) /\, /\, pause, /\

Input with Instant Rev: /\--L2, /\-L2, pause, /\---L2

A) /\--L2, B) /\-L2, C) /\--L2

A) Press the L2 button about mid-slash.

B) Press the L2 button the exact moment that Nero leans his blade back after swinging.

C) Press the L2 button at the very end of this slash. The button press should be tapped on just about the last frame of animation.

Extra Notes: Roulette Spin is an extremely useful in this game. Try to learn to Instant Rev this entire combo. Practice with the Aerial Combo then try this one. The delay for the final /\ press is the hardest part to become familiar with once you've learned the timing for the Aerial Combo, but once you've mastered the final /\ press then the final L2 press isn't too bad.

-- Streak

Normal Input: Lock-on, Forward + /\

Input with Instant Rev: Lock-on, Forward + /\---L2

Press the L2 button the fraction of a second before Nero holds his left hand behind him after the sword swing. The sword will glow when Nero's hand can be seen behind his back.

Extra Notes: Much like the Aerial Combo instant rev combination, this is another move where the timing for the instant rev should be mastered. While fighting normal enemies, this move will usually knock them down and then when instant revved it will give Nero some power for his next attack while the victim is grounded.

-- EX Streak (Level 1)

Normal Input: Lock-on, Forward + /\

Input with Instant Rev: Lock-on, Forward + /\---L2

Press the L2 button as Nero begins to turn to the right during his single spin at the end of this move.

-- EX Streak (Level 2)

Normal Input: Lock-on, Forward + /\

Input with Instant Rev: Lock-on, Forward + /\----L2

Press the L2 button as Nero begins to turn to the right during his second spin at the end of this move.

-- EX Streak (Level 3)

Normal Input: Lock-on, Forward + /\

Input with Instant Rev: Lock-on, Forward + /\-----L2

Press the L2 button as Nero begins to turn to the right during his third spin at the end of this move.

(Extra Notes: All the EX Streaks are very easy to learn once Level 1 is mastered, just look for the same exact frame of animation at the end of each level then tap the L2 button then.)

-- High Roller (Hold)

Normal Input: Lock-on, Back + Hold /\

Input with Instant Rev: Lock-on, Back + Hold /\---L2

Press the L2 button the fraction of a second right before Nero places his blade on his back near the end of this move.

-- EX High Roller (Hold - Level 1)

Normal Input: Lock-on, Back + Hold /\

Input with Instant Rev: Lock-on, Back + Hold /\---L2

Press the L2 button as Nero holds his blade downward after the air slash.

-- EX High Roller (Hold - Level 2)

Normal Input: Lock-on, Back + Hold /\

Input with Instant Rev: Lock-on, Back + Hold /\----L2

Press the L2 button as Nero holds his blade downward after the second air slash.

-- EX High Roller (Hold - Level 3)

Normal Input: Lock-on, Back + Hold /\

Input with Instant Rev: Lock-on, Back + Hold /\-----L2

Press the L2 button as Nero holds his blade downward after the third air slash.

-- High Roller (No Hold)

Normal Input: Lock-on, Back + /\

Input with Instant Rev: Lock-on, Back + /\---L2

Press the L2 button the fraction of a second right before Nero sheathes his sword on his back after the upward slash.

-- EX High Roller (No Hold - Level 1)

Normal Input: Lock-on, Back + /\

Input with Instant Rev: Lock-on, Back + /\---L2

Press the L2 button the instant before the blade hits the ground behind Nero.

-- EX High Roller (No Hold - Level 2)

Normal Input: Lock-on, Back + /\

Input with Instant Rev: Lock-on, Back + /\----L2

Press the L2 button the instant before the blade hits the ground behind Nero during the end of the second slash.

-- EX High Roller (No Hold - Level 3)

Normal Input: Lock-on, Back + /\

Input with Instant Rev: Lock-on, Back + /\-----L2

Press the L2 button the instant before the blade hits the ground behind Nero during the end of the third slash.

-- Calibur

Normal Input: (in air) Lock-on, Back, Forward + /\

Input with Instant Rev: (in air) Lock-on, Back, Forward + /\---L2

Press the L2 button as Nero holds his blade behind him and to the right.

Extra Note: Learn the timing of the normal Calibur and you will learn the timing for the EX Caliburs since they are all the same frames of animation. The EX versions only add flames.

-- EX Calibur (Level 1)

Normal Input: (in air) Lock-on, Back, Forward + /\

Input with Instant Rev: (in air) Lock-on, Back, Forward + /\---L2

Press the L2 button as Nero holds his blade behind him and to the right.

-- EX Calibur (Level 2)

Normal Input: (in air) Lock-on, Back, Forward + /\

Input with Instant Rev: (in air) Lock-on, Back, Forward + /\---L2

Press the L2 button as Nero holds his blade behind him and to the right.

-- EX Calibur (Level 3)

Normal Input: (in air) Lock-on, Back, Forward + /\

Input with Instant Rev: (in air) Lock-on, Back, Forward + /\---L2

Press the L2 button as Nero holds his blade behind him and to the right.

-- Shuffle

Normal Input: Lock-on, Back, Forward + /\

Input with Instant Rev: Lock-on, Back, Forward + /\---L2

Press the L2 button right as Nero swings the blade behind him, slightly before it reaches the right portion of his back.

-- EX Shuffle (Level 1)

Normal Input: Lock-on, Back, Forward + /\

Input with Instant Rev: Lock-on, Back, Forward + /\-----L2

Press the L2 button right as Nero swings the blade behind him during the second swing, slightly before it reaches the right portion of his back.

-- EX Shuffle (Level 2)

Normal Input: Lock-on, Back, Forward + /\

Input with Instant Rev: Lock-on, Back, Forward + /\-----L2

Press the L2 button right as Nero swings the blade behind him during the second swing, slightly before it reaches the right portion of his back.

-- EX Shuffle (Level 3)

Normal Input: Lock-on, Back, Forward + /\

Input with Instant Rev: Lock-on, Back, Forward + /\-----L2

Press the L2 button right as Nero swings the blade behind him during the second swing, slightly before it reaches the right portion of his back.

Extra Note: The timing remains the same for the EX Shuffles, but the higher levels will flame up more during the first swing, which can distract you from the instant rev L2 press at the end.

-- Split

Normal Input: (in air) Lock-on, Forward + /\

Input with Instant Rev: (in air) Lock-on, Forward + /\---L2

Press the L2 button the exact moment that Nero plunges the sword into the ground.

-- EX Split (Level 1)

Normal Input: (in air) Lock-on, Forward + /\

Input with Instant Rev: (in air) Lock-on, Forward + /\---L2

Press the L2 button the exact moment that Nero plunges the sword into the ground.

-- EX Split (Level 2)

Normal Input: (in air) Lock-on, Forward + /\

Input with Instant Rev: (in air) Lock-on, Forward + /\---L2

Press the L2 button the exact moment that Nero plunges the sword into the ground.

-- EX Split (Level 3)

Normal Input: (in air) Lock-on, Forward + /\

Input with Instant Rev: (in air) Lock-on, Forward + /\---L2

Press the L2 button the exact moment that Nero plunges the sword into the ground.

Extra Note: The timing for all the L2 pressing in the Splits are the exact same!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Poll #7 - What are your favorite Devil Arms in the Devil May Cry series?

Personally I enjoy Agni & Rudra, Lucifer, Red Queen, and Yamato.

Agni & Rudra is plain fun to use! Dante could be extremely agressive with those blades in DMC3. Besides Nevan, Lucifer is the most unique weapon I have seen - I still haven't been able to play with it a bunch though. Red Queen's Exceed system is excellent once you get used to it - I'll have up a little something about this in a few days. From Vergil's use of it, Yamato's speed and reach was the main aspect that I enjoyed about that particular weapon. I liked its overall power also depending on the attack used - Judgement Cut, Aerial Rave.

Poll #6 - Results

Did you preorder Devil May Cry 4? Collector's Edition or normal version?

Yes (Collector's Edition)
15 (25%)

Yes (normal version)
8 (13%)

No, but I'll buy the Collector's Edition in the store
4 (6%)

No, but I'll buy the normal version in the store
22 (37%)

No, I'll pick it up later or rent it
2 (3%)

No, I have no interest
7 (12%)

Total Votes: 58

A fair amount of collector's but I see that many of you don't want to fork out the extra cash for the extras. Really the steel case remains my favorite part of the CE. I haven't even tried the anime yet - I'm really not interested at the moment.

Friday, February 8, 2008

A Case Study of Devil May Cry 4

I was originally going to only buy the PS3 Collector's Edition, but I thought, why not get both! Why? I'm a greedy bastard, that's why. End of story.

An In-Depth Examination of Both NA Collector's Editions

Please note both of these are the NA Collector's Editions.

Both Devil May Cry 4 Collector's Editions come housed in a slip case with artwork on the front and back cover showing off details of this latest entry in the series. The slip case covers the back and front artwork of the tin except for Nero's head on the tin which peaks through the case of both versions. The X360 slipcase and tin is about an inch and a half taller compared to the PS3 slipcase and tin. The PS3 Collector's Edition is the size of the standard Blu-Ray disc case. Compare a Blu-Ray case to the size of a standard case and you have the correct dimensions.

Devil May Cry 4 PS3 front w/slipcase
Devil May Cry 4 PS3 back w/slipcase
Devil May Cry 4 X360 front w/slipcase
Devil May Cry 4 X360 back w/slipcase

After removing the slipcase, we are greeted with a picture of Nero on the front cover showing off his Devil Bringer. On the back is a smug picture of Dante holding one of his handguns.

Devil May Cry 4 PS3 tin front
Devil May Cry 4 PS3 tin back
Devil May Cry 4 X360 tin front
Devil May Cry 4 X360 tin back

And let's not forget the anime. The anime is held in place in between the slipcase and tin with both versions. And below you will find some pics of the anime slipcase. Now, let's get back to the DMC4 game.

DMC anime slipcase cover
DMC anime slipcase back
DMC anime slipcase inside

Upon opening both cases, the X360 version contains the game disc over the bonus DVD in the usual dual DVD case with clamps holding the instructions to the side. The PS3 version has the game disc to the right and on the left the clamps hold a slipcase that contains the Bonus DVD lying across the instruction manual. This setup with the DVD slipcase for the PS3 version was actually so tight that it tore up my PS3 instruction booklet a bit where the DVD had pressed the back of the instructions against the hole below the bottom clamp slightly destroying it's beauty... and that was the last PS3 Collector's Edition that Circuit City had.

Devil May Cry 4 PS3 inside
Devil May Cry 4 X360 inside
Devil May Cry 4 PS3 Bonus DVD slipcase cover
Devil May Cry 4 PS3 Bonus DVD slipcase back

Last but not least, here is a pic of the artbook that I received with my Gamestop X360 preorder. Anybody know if this is the same artbook that is included with the PAL Special Version?

DMC4 artbook cover

As for the game, I still haven't beaten it yet, but it is really great so far. The Dante missions sometimes feel tacked on but most of them are great. His cutscenes are much more enjoyable than Nero's. I really like his Lucifer weapon also. To me, Nero is more fun to control though since I like his Exceed system.

I may have a full review of DMC4 up in a few more days. A full guide will come eventually, though I really want to turn this game inside out before I write for it. I don't intend to rush this one like I did with my DMC3:SE guide.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Devil May Cry 4 reviews

Most reviews are in now!

--> 1up review - 8.5/10
--> EGM review - 8.5 | 9.0 | 8.0 /10
NEW!--> Eurogamer review - 7/10
NEW!--> GameDaily review - 9/10
--> Gameplayer review - 7/10
--> Gamepro review - 4.5/5
--> Gamespot review - 8.0/10
--> GameSpy review - 4/5
--> GameTrailers review
--> Game Informer review - 9/10
--> IGN (AU) review - 8.8/10
NEW!--> IGN (UK) review - 9/10
--> IGN (US) review - 8.7/10
--> Official Xbox Magazine GameFAQs thread summary - 7.5/10
NEW!--> Team Xbox review - 9/10
NEW!--> Yahoo review - 4.5/5

Special Update: Added a DMC4 section to the right side with DMC4 wallpapers.
(thanks to danteswrath from the IGN boards for the "Nero vs Dante 1" and "Nero attacks" wallpapers)

A Gamespot Game Guide is now up also. Or you could just wait till mine. *twiddles thumbs and continues waiting patiently*

It's time for torture test, can't wait no longer.