It's late, it's late, I know, but as I've said before with another FAQ: Killing slow is the way I conquer. Make sure to check out the intro. I think the last sentence says it all. And it's so very true. I've never anticipated a game so highly. Ever.
The guide is still in incomplete form at the moment. Sure I could label it complete and get more views and attention on GameFAQs but, when it has the full circle, I want it to be more than just a dropkick... I'm going for a shotgun stinger and it's going to dethrone a certain other FAQ of mine as the largest and most in-depth FAQ I've done. It's so close to being bigger than FFXII right now, and it will be in due time. A bunch of things will change before its completion.
Just the walkthrough portion alone took me three weeks. I've spent a total of about 3 - 4 days on the rest of the guide. In a way, I rushed through it to get something up while the game was still new, but now I'll spend time fixing some of the rush job.
Big thanks again to all the people that helped me or provided some type of support. Without it, there's no way I could have come this far with RE5. There were times when I had my doubts, but a friend would eventually show up to give me the extra little push with the slightest words of support, whether that person knew it or not.
Now, I'll spend the rest of my time making the following statement a reality:
...this RE5 guide is going to blow everything else that I've done up until now out of the water.
Hey, you know I always keep my promises.
Update (4/13)
And so it begins. The first in the line of many updates to come. Here's what's new.
Proofread up to chapter 4-1; several error were corrected and I'm sure several still remain. Added quite a bit to the chapter 5-3 boss section including the function of Chris' Entreat command and many other moves and extras for both boss fights. Chris (BSAA) and Wesker (Midnight) sections were filled out under The Mercenaries.
The Chris BSAA melee strategy with his handgun has caused me to get a 320,000 score with a fellow online gamer! I was trying things yesterday and stumbled across the handgun technique with him.
Update (4/14)
Final Fantasy XII FAQ by Berserker= 1444 KB
Resident Evil 5 FAQ by Berserker = 1427 KB
Resident Evil 5 FAQ by Berserker = 1427 KB
Proofread some of Chapter 4-1... meh, not enough to mention. Added Chris (Safari) and Sheva (Clubbin') sections under The Mercenaries sections. The rest should be done by this week's end.
Update (4/15)
On this day of April 15, 2009, this Resident Evil 5 guide is now my biggest FAQ yet and I couldn't be happier! I never really intended for it to outdo my Final Fantasy XII guide in length when I originally started. That "blowing everything else out of the water" phrase was really only meant to mirror my thoughts toward making it good at that time. This is just... fantastic! :D
Proofread some more of Chapter 4-1. Added a Jill BSAA and Jill Battle Suit section under The Mercenaries section. Updated/Corrected Wesker's dash move with some very interesting finds.
Wesker players should really check out the new details under Wesker's dash. I was performing constant dashes yesterday while playing alongside a fried over PSN, and it was quite a showcase with two players that know how it works since the partner can get a tag team attack off a Majini that has been hit with two dashes.
Here's an example of the way the dash can be controlled for those that don't know how to control it well:
The full controls are now listed (and corrected) in the guide.
Update (4/16)
Added Sheva (BSAA) and Wesker (S.T.A.R.S.) to the Mercenaries section. Some tips for Mercs were added and I also started filling in character partner commands, character assist commands and character responses for each character as well. Sheva (Tribal) will be up tomorrow and I'll get to work on other sections.
Update (4/17)
Sheva (Tribal) is now in the Mercs section, which brings an end to the Mercs character strategies (though I might go back and add some enemy strats for each character at a later date and, of course, I'll add info on new findings). I'm still deciding on the setup for Mercs stages at the moment, so for the next update I'll probably be working on the Weapons or Enemies section. Versus information will come in time.
Character responses for each character were also added to the Mercs section, though I'm still lacking Jill's critical headshot responses at the moment, which will be added over the weekend. A trick for gaining the magnum in chapter 3-1 without setting off the trap is now included in that section as well. Also added a Ruby (Square) location for Chapter 3-2 near the entrance to the oil field refinery after passing the camp with the Tricell tents.
Update (4/20)
Added a few notes about the Chainsaw Majini and his berserk mode in Chapter 3-2. A new Jewel Beetle location was added to Chapter 3-2 at the Oil Field - Refinery and two new Jewel Bangle locations were added for Chapter 3-2.
The weapons section is now done for the most part and a good chunk of the enemies section is now done. The "About Me" section was updated a bit as well. I'd say about a good 70+KB was added to this guide over the weekend. Yeah, that feels about right.
Update (4/21)
Proofread Chapter 5-1. Enemies section has been basically finished. Still needs a bit of work though with a few details as does the weapons section.
Update (4/22)
Added the Public Assembly stage to The Mercenaries section. Updated The Mercenaries section a bit as well. Added a quote to both the intro and the About Me section. The quote in the About Me section is actually a quote that I got while playing online with a fellow gamer in the RE5 demo. It still sticks in my mind.
This FAQ is now labeled as complete on GameFAQs since I would most likely never label it as such at the rate that I'm going. I've still got the rest of the Mercs stages and Versus and possibly Professional to cover... and I will probably think of something else after that.
Nothing is too complete for Resident Evil 5. Nothing.
Update (4/23)
Added The Mines stage to The Mercenaries section. Maps for Public Assembly were edited slightly with details on items. Made a few corrections in the Basics section as well; I'm going to reformat and edit the Basics section eventually... too many demo remnants.
Update (4/24)
The Infinite Rocket Launcher and many other unlockables are now listed under the "Unlockables - Main Game" sections under Lists. Added "Sway Backward" up under Wetland Majini exclusive actions in the Enemies section.
The Village stage is now up in the list of Mercenary stages.
Check out my Resident Evil 5 Versus review also!
Update (4/27)
Ancient Ruins is now up in the Mercs section. Proofread Chapter 5-2 over the weekend and made some pretty big adjustments and additions based off a Veteran mode playthrough for that chapter.
Experimental Facility and Missile Area should be arriving within the next few days along with the rest of the Mercs stages.
Update (4/28)
Experimental Facility is up in the Mercs section. Missile Area will be up tomorrow and the rest of the stages will come later in the week. Prison might take a bit longer than the previous.
Update (4/29)
Missile Area is now up in the Mercs section. I also completely redid the intro and moved some of the old intro to the special thanks section.
Update (4/30)
Ship Deck is now up in the Mercs section. There are also ranking tables at the beginning of each chapter in the walkthrough section along with a chapter ranking list in the Lists section.
Update (5/1)
Oh yeah! I didn't think I could do it all in one day, but Prison is now up and the Mercs section is now finished. Where shall we go next? Pro or Versus? I say Pro, myself... and myself agrees with me, so the majority wins and a Professional mode guide is coming next.
Update (5/4)
Professional Mode Walkthrough has now been started. Check below the Mercs section. Chapter 5-3 was proofread and a few things were added here and there... most notably a mention of using flash rounds and flash grenades against one of the Chapter 5-3 bosses.
Update (5/5)
Professional Mode Walkthrough is now up to Chapter 4-1. The Chapter 3-3 boss caused a slight delay. The little bastard...
Update (5/6)
Professional Mode Walkthrough is now up to Chapter 5-1. Proofread all of Chapter 6-1 in the main walkthrough and added a Topaz (Oval) location to Chapter 6-1 as well as corrected a treasure mention for that chapter. I had all of the Topaz's labeled as Topaz (Marquise) when they are in fact Topaz (Oval) for Chapter 6-1. Also added the Topaz (Oval) to the treasure list in both treasure sections.
Update (5/7)
Added a tip about how effective flame rounds are against Uroboros Mkono in Chapter 5-2. The Professional Mode walkthrough is now up to the boss fight in Chapter 5-3.
Update (5/8)
The Professional Mode walkthrough is now up to the first boss fight in Chapter 6-3.
Update (5/11)
The Professional Mode walkthrough is now complete. I SO want to just put at the top of this guide that it is fully complete, but a part of me still says that Versus has to be discussed, so until then...
I'm also thinking up some other kind of section to add at this very moment... Damn. These voices...
Update (5/12)
Started on the basics for Slayers for Versus mode. Survivors is coming soon. The Survivors portion will be much more detailed since Slayers is basically a four player Mercenaries.
Update (5/13)
Survivors basics added under Versus mode. More Survivors info to come later.
Update (5/14)
All Survivor weapons are now listed in full detail in the Versus section.
Update (5/15)
Added a few extra (and very interesting) bits to the Survivors sections under weapons. It turns out that all handguns and machine guns take off the same damage in Survivors when used against enemy players among other nice finds. Thanks so much silent_man if you're reading this!
Update (5/18)
A characters section is now up in the Versus section. This includes a character description for both Slayers and Survivors. Since I started playing the Xbox 360 version more this weekend, the walkthrough received a bit of updating such as trophy/achievement details being mentioned here and there for easier methods that I found to gain each accomplishment. There is more to come on this in a following update. Maps for Public Assembly were updated also. One (very obvious) spawn point was added to the list of spawn points for Public Assembly.
Also for anyone that happens to actually read all the updates that I place in this post, here's a very sweet pic from a friend that I have met online:

Thanks to Haoran for emailing me the pic and Dot50Cal from The Horror for the screen capture.
If you've bought the Resident Evil theme online, then you'll see ^that pic on your "Games Library" menu once you pull it up.
Update (5/20)
The Versus section is now complete for the most part. I'll go back and add a few things at a later date, but the overall framework for the way that I envisioned the section is now up. I've also started redoing and touching up the Basics section since the majority of it is basically from the RE5 demo FAQ, so it needs some more work to go along with the full game better.
Really the guide is now complete in a way, but there are still a few things that I'd like to add before deeming it as such at the top of this guide.