Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Demo Guide (PS3 version)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Demo Guide (Xbox 360 version)
Ok, so I actually like The Force Unleashed better than I initially thought. The game actually shares a few similarities to Advent Rising gameplaywise, based off some of the moves presented in the demo and a few other aspects from the trailers that I have seen. If you didn't know, Advent Rising and I were close at one time until the trilogy was basically canned and forgotten.
Anyway, I typed up a full move list for Starkiller based on my findings in the guide. To my surprise, he actually has a parry move that can be used against physical attacks, but I can't find a real good use for it. Surely in the full game, Starkiller will have some sort of saber slash counter or a type of retaliation attack to perform after the parry.
And with that said, Dante and Nero can finally retire to the bottom of the right column. I've kept them there since last March, so they've had their fair share of time in the spotlight.
UPDATE (8/29): Added details about the hidden Clone Helmet easter egg. Big thanks to PerfctWeapon and many GameFAQs users!
--> Hidden Clone Helmet Easter Egg
Location: Outside Walkway - Above the tunnel in the back of the walkway
Before hopping over the gap to the side along the walkway where the TIE fighters swoop by, if you want to see a hidden helmet easter egg, then use force grip to stack up a few crates next to the rooftop of the tunnel at the end of the first walkway then leap up to the rooftop of that tunnel. It is best to stack a cylindrical crate on its side (standing up) then stack another cylindrical crate on top of it or stack two rectangular crates on top of the cylindrical crate. Position them with the left analog then set them down lightly by using the right analog to lower them before letting go. Either way, make sure the crates are stacked right below the rooftop then hop on top of them and double jump to the rooftop. Use the force dash (LB) to help gain some extra air time during the double jump if needed. It is best to attempt this on the easiest mode since the TIE fighters will be swooping by and firing at Starkiller the entire time from the left side.
The helmet will be at the end of the rooftop. It can't be collected. Stare in amazement then drop down and get back to the situation at hand.
UPDATE (9/1): Wow! I am absolutely amazed at some of the responses and extra tips that I am already receiving dealing with this demo guide. Very cool.
Anyway, I added an Experience Bonus section under basics and two alternate ways to get to the helmet and two alternate ways to defeat the AT-ST boss. I also simply renamed the Walker the AT-ST in all areas of my guide. I see that I'm going to have research Star Wars a bit more if I actually do write a full guide for SW: The Force Unleashed, which there's a high chance that I will.
UPDATE (9/8): Added the extra tips as noted in the comments section of this post. Thanks to both anonymous users!