Resident Evil: Revelations
Original review link
Player(s): 1
Extra Features: online multiplayer (1-2 players)
If you're like me, you enjoyed Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5 greatly for their fast pace action, but after playing them, you sort of had this feeling that they didn't have the same elements of a survival horror unlike past Resident Evil games - both games seemed too focused on action while the usual horror and suspense found in past RE titles was give much less emphasis. Both RE4 and RE5 were really great for their intense gameplay, but when compared to the older RE games, they were sort of lacking in a more traditional survival horror feel that a more hardcore RE fan that has been with the series from the beginning would hope to find in them.
Resident Evil: Revelations brings back more of a classic survival horror feel found in the older Resident Evil games - puzzle solving, suspense, horror atmosphere, exploration, ammo conserving among other elements no longer take a backseat to the action gameplay like in RE4 and RE5. It's the perfect blend of the newer style of RE gameplay mixed with the older RE games' survival horror feel!
The majority of Revelations takes place aboard a large boat (Queen Zenobia) in the Mediterranean Sea. Jill Valentine has been dispatched along with her partner Parker to search for Chris Redfield and his partner after they have failed to make contact with the BSAA on there whereabouts aboard the vessel. Jill is the main character of the game and the action will switch focus to other characters such as Chris quite often as the story unfolds. The enemies fought in Revelations are all infected with the T-Abyss virus and they all have aquatic features.
The gameplay for Revelations plays much like RE5, but there is much less emphasis on melee attacks. Melee attacks only serve as more of a finishing blow. The stuns leading to the melee attack can actually be quite hard to activate since it takes several shots to a certain portion of an enemy instead of a single shot. If you've played the Lost in Nightmares mini game in RE5, then you'll find that Revelations carries that same overall focus of a horror atmosphere. Revelations places more of a focus on shooting enemies rather than conserving ammo by setting up constant stuns that lead to a melee attack. You're going to be bullet-killing enemies the majority of the time just like in RE4 and the older RE games.
Revelations once again places all ammo and items in the environments. No longer will enemies drop items once they are defeated! You are given a set amount of ammo and healing items per area so you'll have to conserve at times. Weapons are upgradeable with various upgrade items that can be found throughout the ship. Each weapon has a certain amount of slots that can hold upgrades. A weapon's damage, rate of fire, capacity, among other properties can all be upgraded with upgrade items. Upgrades can be placed on weapons at green weapon crates - they look like item boxes. Only Jill can upgrade since the game mainly follows her story. Side characters are stuck with their default weapons and current weapon stats.
The overall weapon variety for Revelations is mainly composed of weapons from RE4 and RE5 and there are some new weapons added to the mix. Players will have a variety of handguns, shotguns, rifles, machine guns, and magnums to choose from. There is also a rocket launcher weapon (one time use). Each character can only hold three weapons. Jill is the only character that can switch weapons in the main game.
Revelations encourages exploration. A player will have to find items and backtrack to many areas of the ship in order to solve puzzles or unlock doors. RE4 and RE5 placed more of a focus on forward progression through rooms and areas, but Revelations brings back some backtracking. The backtracking never did come across as repetitive to me - it was actually quite good to see it back so I could return to older areas like in previous RE titles once again and explore. Revelations' puzzles are all touch screen puzzles. Many of them have a player using the touch screen to remove screws from a control box then rearrange several plugs on a circuit board. There are some welding touch screen puzzles and actual fingerprint puzzles much later into the game as well.
Revelations' overall gameplay has much variety in it. A player will be busy shooting, puzzle solving, exploring and switching to a new character quite often throughout the main story. The game also allows a player to swim through many of the later areas. The swimming is such a nice break from the constant running and walking throughout the ship. Swimming controls are much like you would expect - one button to dive and one button to swim while maneuvering with the left circle pad.
The game is overall very cinematic and story driven. Cutscenes are quite frequent and the game is constantly switching back and forth between characters. Between episodes, the game will have a recap of previous events much like a movie! Sometimes a player will have to progress through a flashback mission. Boss battles are very epic and enjoyable. Each boss and normal enemy has some sort of weak area or weakness that can be used against them. Enemies in Revelations can be quite tough at times. Just normal enemies seem to carry quite a bit of health and are aggressive at times and bosses take a tremendous amount of firepower to bring down.
Each controlled character will almost always have a CPU controlled partner with them. This can be both good and bad. The CPU partner is invincible and has infinite ammo, so you never have to worry about them. The CPU partner will help in shooting enemies and damaging enemies, but they can also interrupt stun and stagger animations. There were many times where I was shooting the legs of an enemy to make it fall and my CPU partner would start shooting the body of the same enemy and cause the enemy to not fall down because the stun was interrupted by the partner's shooting. The main story mode has no co-op play in it - it's all single player.
The overall graphical look to Revelations is quite amazing. It's literally the best-looking 3DS game I have seen. The character models are all just as detailed as in RE5. Environments are dripping with horror atmosphere. There are many closed in areas with blood and guts stripped all over the walls to get your nerves on edge and many huge rooms much like you would expect on a luxury ship. The only bad aspect I could really find about the graphics are jagged edges on the character models at times.
Enemies will go through certain stun or stagger animations while shooting them, but the animations appear to be delayed with some enemies. There were many times where I would waste ammo from shooting an enemy that was already considered "dead" yet the death animation had not kicked in just yet - basically, my shots would start to go right through the targeted enemy then seconds later, the enemy would begin to crumple and fall. Delayed reaction happens quite often in Revelations. The majority of the time, I stand back and wait for reactions after shooting an enemy a few times just to make sure that I don't overshoot.
The sound can really add to the horror atmosphere in Revelations. While walking through corridors, I would sometimes hear voices whispering from an enemy that was up ahead or hear some type of enemy yell in the distance. The overall soundtrack is quite fitting for the many areas as well. It has several quiet tunes that play during normal gameplay and loud tracks for big boss battles. The character voices are all very well done also, much like in RE5.
Revelations controls exactly like Mercenaries 3D for the most part. If you've played that game, you'll be right at home with Revelations. There is not much difference at all. Revelations has a newly added dodge feature similar to the dodge found in RE3. Like in RE3, the dodge will seem kind of random at times. It is done by pressing the left circle pad up or pressing the left circle pad down along with the B button the second an enemy attack, but sometimes it will not activate when you really need it.
Raid mode is unlocked as a player progresses through the main story of Revelations. Raid mode is a survival mode with several stages where a player must fight through waves of enemies in order to clear a stage. Unlike the unlockable Mercenaries mode in past RE games, there is no time limit. Players will have to fight a set amount of enemies in order to finish a stage. As a player shoots each enemy, damage is displayed based on where the enemy is shot. Raid mode is an excellent way to learn the different weaknesses of each enemy since the damage delivered per shot is actually showed on the screen. Weak areas will be showed in a red color to signify the greater amount of damage delivered per shot.
Raid mode has a slight RPG feel to it. Besides displaying enemy health and weak points, some enemies have upgrades on them that will make them have a higher defense, move faster or attack more aggressively among many other enhances. Some enemies have icons near their life bar that display their current status enhancement. Enemies can be larger than others too. I ran across some huge Hunters and Ooze Mutants in one stage of the game.
Battle Points can be collected by playing the main game and by playing Raid mode. There points can be used to buy extra weapons or customization parts for Raid mode. Weapons and customization parts are also unlocked by finishing stages. All characters from the main game can be unlocked for use in Raid mode. Each character can carry three weapons at a time and all characters have their own unique abilities such as reloading certain weapons faster or taking off more damage with knife attacks. Players gain levels from completing stages, which allows new weapons to be equipped.
Raid mode can be played solo or with a partner in all stages. A partner can join locally or through wireless internet play. In duo games, both players fight a stage's enemies and progress through the stage together. It's much like duo RE5 Mercenaries. Battle Points are awarded to both players just about equally. Raid mode has a total of 21 stages and a bonus stage. The stages rise in difficulty pretty quickly and there are multiple difficulties per stage. Raid mode will last a player quite a while if you want to try to get everything in it.
The main campaign took me a total of 12 hours to complete. The game has several unlockables that can be obtained by completing missions in the mission selection menu. Missions are basically just like Mercenaries 3D's medals - they are a list of objectives that must be performed to gain an unlockable. Both the main game and Raid mode have their own lists of missions.
If you were let down by how much priority the action gameplay of RE4 and RE5 took over many of the more established RE survival horror elements, you should really give Revelations a try. It plays much more like Lost in Nightmares rather than RE5. It truly is the best blend of RE5 gameplay and classical RE gameplay that I have played so far. A fan of both the newer action horror gameplay and the classical survival horror gameplay should find something to enjoy in Revelations.
The Good:
+ It's a great blend of RE5 gameplay with the more classic RE feel
+ Much gameplay variety
+ Raid mode
The Bad:
- The dodge feature will not always activate
- Enemy reaction and overall stuns seem delayed
Resident Evil: Revelations is a combination of RE5 gameplay mixed with classical horror elements from past RE games that will please both new and old RE fans.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
Resident Evil 5: The Mercenaries - Missile Area SOLO strategy
This is a post for archive information for strategies of Missile Area SOLO in Resident Evil 5 - The Mercenaries.
-- Missile Area SOLO Strategy 1 (140+ combo)
Player: Berserker Kev
NOTE: The video above is made mainly just to show off a strategy that I made for Missile Area. Whether you discard the grenade launcher or not is up to you with STARS Chris. Flash rounds and nitrogen rounds can ruin melee kills just as much as they can help you gain more on Missile Area thanks to the dynamite and cocktail Majini.
NOTE: Always avoid any type of melees that hit the head of a Majini. Any type of hit to the head can cause a random Cephalo on just about every Majini in Missile Area. Green bottle Majini are the only Majini that will not spawn a random Cephalo. Try to aim your melees away from the head by stepping to the side or in front of a Majini so your character does not hit the Majini directly in the head.
It's best to choose the office as the starting for Missile Area Solo. Grab the flash grenade on the control panel then hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS in the office room. From the start, a player can exit either door and run to the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS along the walkway then hit it. In the video, I exited from the left door and shot the chicken below then ran toward the timer. Some players like to exit from the right office door then melee kill the dynamite Majini outside the office and kill the chicken below then run to the timer. It's all up to you.
NOTE: If you DON'T move along the left side of the walkway, after you hop on the conveyor belt from the stairway, you MUST shoot the camping Majini near the platform with the 60 seconds in the background. The platform will be in front of your character as the character drops onto the conveyor belt. The Majini will be to the left. You MUST shoot him or he will remain there until your character moves next to him. With the way I move out the left office door in the video, that got his attention since I was above him.
Fall below to where the chicken was killed. Grab the chicken egg if needed then move up the stairs to the right then fall on the conveyor belt. Run to the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS on the conveyor belt then hit it. Shoot the two explosive canisters up ahead since your character will be fighting in that area later. Drop from the ladder at the end of the conveyor belt.
Run over to the first ladder that leads to the walkway above the bottom conveyor belt then climb it. Move across the walkway then drop. Run to the 90 SECOND TIME BONUS then hit it. Walk over to the ladder near the 90 second timer then climb it and fall off the dropoff in the middle of the walkway to land on the conveyor belt. Hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS at the end of the conveyor belt then get on the platform below the stairs then move up the stairs. Kick through the door at the top then grab the 2 flash grenade and combo bonus from the combo chest off to the side (grab them in that order to make the combo bonus last longer).
Start to kill the Majini. They should be all on the conveyor belt for the most part. If one of them hops up onto the platform that you are on, quickly shoot him to make him drop then fall along with him. There will be a crowd of 12 Majini at the beginning, so kill very quickly from the start. More Majini will begin to spawn. Sometimes, it is hard to keep the combo because the Majini spawn so far away - that's just all bad luck! You might have to keep the combo with the magnum at times. Never know.
NOTE: DO NOT move under the storage room walkway. While standing on the north portion of the conveyor at the start, you are in between two spawning regions. If you move under the storage room walkway, you just crossed over into another spawning region and that region's enemies will spawn, which will cause you to have to stay longer in the current one.
NOTE: MAKE SURE you are behind the ladder (to the side of the conveyor belt) at 50 combo. If you move out from behind that ladder before 50 combo BE SURE to step back behind the ladder. IF YOU DO NOT, YOU RISK LEAVING ENEMIES BEHIND. The ladder is the boundary for the bottom spawning region - when you step past the ladder, you leave the bottom spawn area (Region F on the map). Both spawning regions F and E have a total of 45 enemies altogether and you have 12 starting enemies, so... you will have a full 57 enemies (58 counting the yellow Gatling Gun Majini) as long as you do not move to region D (past the portion under the storage room walkway or near the middle shaft).
NOTE: Basically what I'm trying to say with the first portion is that... if you step out from behind the ladder at 47 combo, you MUST move back behind the ladder at or after 50 combo to make sure that all enemies spawn from the bottom spawning region.
The FIRST YELLOW GATLING GUN MAJINI WILL SPAWN AT 20 COMBO from the spawn point above the top walkway and 90 second area. He will be able to shoot your character from the high walkway. You might have to run along the conveyor belt to avoid him at times. Try to stay underneath the walkway across from the ladder as much as you can to avoid the Gatling Gun Majini's fire and any cocktails from cocktail Majini that spawn from the spawn point up above.
Once the Gatling Gun Majini falls, kill him immediately and try to use the deathblow melee on him to multi kill the surrounding Majini. After 50 combo (make sure that your last standing place was behind the conveyor belt ladder), move to the center shaft area. Keep the combo by bullet killing with a powered weapon if needed. If you have enemies along the way to the central shaft after, luck is on your side!
NOTE: While standing in the middle portion of the bottom floor of Missile Area (Region D), two Scripted Cephalo axe Majini will spawn from the storage room up above.
Once you make it to the center shaft area, it's really up to you when you climb the center shaft ladder. You can climb whenever you want up until a certain number of kills. You can do like I did in the video and wait for the second Gatling Gun Majini to fall then kill him or you can climb immediately. The SECOND YELLOW GATLING GUN MAJINI SPAWNS AT 60 COMBO from the overhead doorway in the central shaft. Either way, make sure you make one kill before climbing. Be ready to keep the combo with a powered weapon when you first climb.
NOTE: After climbing, you can run toward the railing across from the ladder and shoot the explosive canister on the table below the walkway to possibly hit Majini below you and keep the combo. This works VERY well for characters that do not have a magnum!
NOTE: When you first climb, any axe Majini that is moving down the walkway from the office will be a scripted Cephalo. Keep this in mind so it isn't a surprise if you shoot it with the magnum. While standing in the middle area below the ladder, two axe Majini scripted Cephalos will spawn from the storage room - they might be exiting the storage room after you climb. Keep in mind that they will NOT spawn AFTER you have climbed... they will have spawned before climbing!
Alright, so now you're up above. There are two spawning regions while on the top middle walkways - Region A and Region B. Both of the regions have 20 enemies each, so a total of 40 enemies will spawn while a player is up top! Keep that thought in mind!
Run to the storage room and try to make sure an enemy is in view or on the other side of the storage room door then kick open the door and hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS inside the storage room. If luck is not on your side (Majini are not in your path) then you'll have to keep the combo with a powered weapon here. Kick back open the door and continue to kill enemies.
A player NEEDS to move over toward region B in the spawning region map. Region B starts as soon as a player steps past the central shaft framework while up top. You can stand in front of the framework across from the platform, on the platform, or on the bridge next to the platform and still be in region B. Region A overlaps region B, so you can't avoid region A. A total of 40 enemies will spawn while standing in between regions. If you stand only in region A (say... on the storage room walkway), only 20 enemies will spawn then they will stop. It's important that you get to the region B area shortly after exiting the storage room! Try not to get held up with melee kills too often.
The THIRD RED GATLING GUN MAJINI WILL SPAWN AT 90 COMBO from the office ceiling spawn point. He will move down the walkway in front of the office then walk toward your character. You will either fight him on the walkway or below the walkway in the 30 second timer area most likely.
NOTE: While standing in region B a long pipe scripted Cephalo Majini and a weaponless scripted Cephalo Majini will spawn from the office area on the walkway across from your character. Because of your current position, you'll just have to guess at which one is scripted or not out of the many other weaponless and long pipe Majini.
Hit the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS on the platform while fighting. Be ready to keep the combo with a powered weapon such a magnum while in region B (around the platform). There will often be periods with dry enemy spawning where you will have to bullet kill from a distance. If you don't see enemies in view look toward the storage room door, on the conveyor belt below the bridge or on the walkway outside the office. There will almost always be enemies on the walkway outside the office since all of the spawn points there will be active.
NOTE: When you drop from the top area depends on when you climbed the central shaft ladder. You MUST stay above for 46 kills no matter what. So... if you climbed the middle ladder at 50 kills, you must stay above until 96 kills. If you climbed the middle ladder at 60 kills, you must stay above until 106 kills. If you drop before 46 kills have passed, you risk leaving behind Majini. In the video, I climb at 65 kills and I drop from the ladder at 112. I could have dropped at 111.
Fall below the ladder on the bridge near the platform. Hit the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS near the explosive barrel. Be sure to keep the combo by melee killing enemies on the way to the time bonus. Now you need to run along either walkway then hit the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS in the middle area.
The remainder of region D's enemies will start to spawn the moment a player falls from the ladder. Keep in mind that there are only 30 enemies in that region. You need to quickly get to region C as shown in the spawning region map. Region C's north boundary is passed after stepping past the stairs in front of the platform with the 60 second timer. You need to get to region C as quickly as possible since this region take a while to activate at times and sometimes enemies will slowly spawn above!
NOTE: There is a strip of Region C in the area with the 30 second timer near the explosive barrel. If you look at the spawning region map, notice that the strip of floor behind the stack of crates near the 30 second timer is just barely in region C. You can literally stand in that area make enemies from region C spawn. This can help to save the combo for you if you are late at times!
NOTE: While in Region C, a cocktail scripted Cephalo Majini will drop from the ceiling spawn point above the 30 second timer near the missiles and a scripted Cephalo Majini with a machete will spawn from the ceiling spawn point above the walkway where the 30 second timer was positioned above. Both of them can be picked out pretty well. There are only two machete Majini that will drop from above and the first cocktail Majini that spawns from the middle is always the scripted Cephalo.
While in Region C fight off the remainder of the enemies and try to hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS on the platform while fighting. The enemies will run out before 150 since you had to kill at least about one or two before the main combo kill chaining. It's best to stop the combo then run and hit the last 60 SECOND TIME BONUS in front of the south conveyor belt furnace directly after 145 kills. You might actually want to play it safe and hit the timer before then. It's VERY risky to run for the timer after 145 kills. All it takes is one dynamite explosion to kill the final few enemies to end the run before you hit the timer!
-- Missile Area SOLO Strategy 2 (140+ combo) [alternate - mainly for Wesker]
Player: JohnnyBigK
-- Missile Area SOLO Strategy 3 (120+ combo)
Player: Jorez0
These are the most popular strategies for Missile Area SOLO.
Specific Stage Details for Missile Area:
NOTE: Take a look at the spawning regions for Missile Area by clicking on the map below.
Here is a breakdown of all the regions:
Region A = 20 enemies (most of the top floor)
Region B = 20 enemies (middle portion of the top floor)
Region C = 20 enemies (south bottom floor)
Region D = 30 enemies (middle south bottom floor)
Region E = 25 enemies (middle north bottom floor)
Region F = 20 enemies (north bottom floor)
NOTE: Keep in mind that Region A and B are on the top floor. You can stand on just about any portion of the top floor and be in Region A. Region B is smaller. You can't stand in Region B without standing in Region A - Region A constantly overlaps Region B. Both the Region A and Region B spawn points can be activated by standing on either of the two walkways in Missile Area. Enemies will spawn from certain spawn points while standing on the walkways. You literally have to stand on the walkways to make enemies spawn below and throughout the Missile Area for at least 40 kills (more like 46 kills actually)!
All other enemies are the 3 Gatling Gun Majini boss enemies and the 12 enemies that start in the stage (including the chicken).
20 + 20 + 20 + 30 + 25 + 20 + 3 Gatling Gun Majini enemies + 12 beginning enemies = 150 enemies total!
Learn the spawning region boundaries!
-- Missile Area SOLO Strategy 1 (140+ combo)
Player: Berserker Kev
NOTE: The video above is made mainly just to show off a strategy that I made for Missile Area. Whether you discard the grenade launcher or not is up to you with STARS Chris. Flash rounds and nitrogen rounds can ruin melee kills just as much as they can help you gain more on Missile Area thanks to the dynamite and cocktail Majini.
NOTE: Always avoid any type of melees that hit the head of a Majini. Any type of hit to the head can cause a random Cephalo on just about every Majini in Missile Area. Green bottle Majini are the only Majini that will not spawn a random Cephalo. Try to aim your melees away from the head by stepping to the side or in front of a Majini so your character does not hit the Majini directly in the head.
It's best to choose the office as the starting for Missile Area Solo. Grab the flash grenade on the control panel then hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS in the office room. From the start, a player can exit either door and run to the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS along the walkway then hit it. In the video, I exited from the left door and shot the chicken below then ran toward the timer. Some players like to exit from the right office door then melee kill the dynamite Majini outside the office and kill the chicken below then run to the timer. It's all up to you.
NOTE: If you DON'T move along the left side of the walkway, after you hop on the conveyor belt from the stairway, you MUST shoot the camping Majini near the platform with the 60 seconds in the background. The platform will be in front of your character as the character drops onto the conveyor belt. The Majini will be to the left. You MUST shoot him or he will remain there until your character moves next to him. With the way I move out the left office door in the video, that got his attention since I was above him.
Fall below to where the chicken was killed. Grab the chicken egg if needed then move up the stairs to the right then fall on the conveyor belt. Run to the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS on the conveyor belt then hit it. Shoot the two explosive canisters up ahead since your character will be fighting in that area later. Drop from the ladder at the end of the conveyor belt.
Run over to the first ladder that leads to the walkway above the bottom conveyor belt then climb it. Move across the walkway then drop. Run to the 90 SECOND TIME BONUS then hit it. Walk over to the ladder near the 90 second timer then climb it and fall off the dropoff in the middle of the walkway to land on the conveyor belt. Hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS at the end of the conveyor belt then get on the platform below the stairs then move up the stairs. Kick through the door at the top then grab the 2 flash grenade and combo bonus from the combo chest off to the side (grab them in that order to make the combo bonus last longer).
Start to kill the Majini. They should be all on the conveyor belt for the most part. If one of them hops up onto the platform that you are on, quickly shoot him to make him drop then fall along with him. There will be a crowd of 12 Majini at the beginning, so kill very quickly from the start. More Majini will begin to spawn. Sometimes, it is hard to keep the combo because the Majini spawn so far away - that's just all bad luck! You might have to keep the combo with the magnum at times. Never know.
The axe Majini that is killed is a scripted critical that spawns from the 90 second area. His head will always explode upon death if he isn't killed with an instant kill melee. Never shoot him in the head or his head will explode! He is also a random Cephalo, so he could go all Cephalo on your ass for hitting him in the head.
The Majini with the megaphone that dropped from the overhead walkway was a scripted Cephalo. I neck break him in the video to avoid the Cephalo. With Wesker, you'll have to be ready to activate then kill the Cephalo. This Majini can drop from the overhead walkway like in the video or he can climb up the ladder on the conveyor belt or come through the nearby door on the platform.
NOTE: DO NOT move under the storage room walkway. While standing on the north portion of the conveyor at the start, you are in between two spawning regions. If you move under the storage room walkway, you just crossed over into another spawning region and that region's enemies will spawn, which will cause you to have to stay longer in the current one.
NOTE: MAKE SURE you are behind the ladder (to the side of the conveyor belt) at 50 combo. If you move out from behind that ladder before 50 combo BE SURE to step back behind the ladder. IF YOU DO NOT, YOU RISK LEAVING ENEMIES BEHIND. The ladder is the boundary for the bottom spawning region - when you step past the ladder, you leave the bottom spawn area (Region F on the map). Both spawning regions F and E have a total of 45 enemies altogether and you have 12 starting enemies, so... you will have a full 57 enemies (58 counting the yellow Gatling Gun Majini) as long as you do not move to region D (past the portion under the storage room walkway or near the middle shaft).
NOTE: Basically what I'm trying to say with the first portion is that... if you step out from behind the ladder at 47 combo, you MUST move back behind the ladder at or after 50 combo to make sure that all enemies spawn from the bottom spawning region.
The FIRST YELLOW GATLING GUN MAJINI WILL SPAWN AT 20 COMBO from the spawn point above the top walkway and 90 second area. He will be able to shoot your character from the high walkway. You might have to run along the conveyor belt to avoid him at times. Try to stay underneath the walkway across from the ladder as much as you can to avoid the Gatling Gun Majini's fire and any cocktails from cocktail Majini that spawn from the spawn point up above.
Once the Gatling Gun Majini falls, kill him immediately and try to use the deathblow melee on him to multi kill the surrounding Majini. After 50 combo (make sure that your last standing place was behind the conveyor belt ladder), move to the center shaft area. Keep the combo by bullet killing with a powered weapon if needed. If you have enemies along the way to the central shaft after, luck is on your side!
Once the combo reaches 50 kills, my character is still in the area behind the ladder (north of the ladder), to ensure that all Majini spawn from region F. If I had been to the south of the ladder, before 50 and not gone back to it, I would have had to return to it after 50 - literally just step in and out to make sure enemies from region F all spawn.
NOTE: While standing in the middle portion of the bottom floor of Missile Area (Region D), two Scripted Cephalo axe Majini will spawn from the storage room up above.
Once you make it to the center shaft area, it's really up to you when you climb the center shaft ladder. You can climb whenever you want up until a certain number of kills. You can do like I did in the video and wait for the second Gatling Gun Majini to fall then kill him or you can climb immediately. The SECOND YELLOW GATLING GUN MAJINI SPAWNS AT 60 COMBO from the overhead doorway in the central shaft. Either way, make sure you make one kill before climbing. Be ready to keep the combo with a powered weapon when you first climb.
NOTE: After climbing, you can run toward the railing across from the ladder and shoot the explosive canister on the table below the walkway to possibly hit Majini below you and keep the combo. This works VERY well for characters that do not have a magnum!
NOTE: When you first climb, any axe Majini that is moving down the walkway from the office will be a scripted Cephalo. Keep this in mind so it isn't a surprise if you shoot it with the magnum. While standing in the middle area below the ladder, two axe Majini scripted Cephalos will spawn from the storage room - they might be exiting the storage room after you climb. Keep in mind that they will NOT spawn AFTER you have climbed... they will have spawned before climbing!
Alright, so now you're up above. There are two spawning regions while on the top middle walkways - Region A and Region B. Both of the regions have 20 enemies each, so a total of 40 enemies will spawn while a player is up top! Keep that thought in mind!
Run to the storage room and try to make sure an enemy is in view or on the other side of the storage room door then kick open the door and hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS inside the storage room. If luck is not on your side (Majini are not in your path) then you'll have to keep the combo with a powered weapon here. Kick back open the door and continue to kill enemies.
A player NEEDS to move over toward region B in the spawning region map. Region B starts as soon as a player steps past the central shaft framework while up top. You can stand in front of the framework across from the platform, on the platform, or on the bridge next to the platform and still be in region B. Region A overlaps region B, so you can't avoid region A. A total of 40 enemies will spawn while standing in between regions. If you stand only in region A (say... on the storage room walkway), only 20 enemies will spawn then they will stop. It's important that you get to the region B area shortly after exiting the storage room! Try not to get held up with melee kills too often.
I equip a flash grenade before stomping the long pipe Majini. This is just in case it turns out to be the scripted Cephalo long pipe Majini. When up above, there is no way to tell the difference between scripted Cephalos. Just be careful about killing long pipe and weaponless Majini since one of them will be a scripted Cephalo.
Notice the difficulty that I have in trying to keep the combo while up top. There are literally no Majini in the immediate area. There will sometimes be times like this while above. You just have to look around and watch carefully. One thing I didn't do was look toward the office.
The THIRD RED GATLING GUN MAJINI WILL SPAWN AT 90 COMBO from the office ceiling spawn point. He will move down the walkway in front of the office then walk toward your character. You will either fight him on the walkway or below the walkway in the 30 second timer area most likely.
The red Gatling Gun Majini arrives up top and falls right into my trap. When he hops up the ladder, you can blast him and keep the combo by killing the Majini that climb up the ladder behind him. Keeping the combo this way can be luck based though. If I had climbed the middle shaft ladder sooner, I could have dropped sooner to fight him below.
NOTE: While standing in region B a long pipe scripted Cephalo Majini and a weaponless scripted Cephalo Majini will spawn from the office area on the walkway across from your character. Because of your current position, you'll just have to guess at which one is scripted or not out of the many other weaponless and long pipe Majini.
A random Cephalo spawns from an uppercut to the head. There are no scripted Cephalo sickle Majini on Missile Area. This one is random.
The long pipe Majini that I shot is a scripted Cephalo. I shot him with the magnum to help keep the combo since both Majini were next to the ladder and would have fallen otherwise. I chose the Majini with the long pipe to bullet kill since he might have been the scripted Cephalo... and he was!
Hit the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS on the platform while fighting. Be ready to keep the combo with a powered weapon such a magnum while in region B (around the platform). There will often be periods with dry enemy spawning where you will have to bullet kill from a distance. If you don't see enemies in view look toward the storage room door, on the conveyor belt below the bridge or on the walkway outside the office. There will almost always be enemies on the walkway outside the office since all of the spawn points there will be active.
NOTE: When you drop from the top area depends on when you climbed the central shaft ladder. You MUST stay above for 46 kills no matter what. So... if you climbed the middle ladder at 50 kills, you must stay above until 96 kills. If you climbed the middle ladder at 60 kills, you must stay above until 106 kills. If you drop before 46 kills have passed, you risk leaving behind Majini. In the video, I climb at 65 kills and I drop from the ladder at 112. I could have dropped at 111.
Fall below the ladder on the bridge near the platform. Hit the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS near the explosive barrel. Be sure to keep the combo by melee killing enemies on the way to the time bonus. Now you need to run along either walkway then hit the 30 SECOND TIME BONUS in the middle area.
The remainder of region D's enemies will start to spawn the moment a player falls from the ladder. Keep in mind that there are only 30 enemies in that region. You need to quickly get to region C as shown in the spawning region map. Region C's north boundary is passed after stepping past the stairs in front of the platform with the 60 second timer. You need to get to region C as quickly as possible since this region take a while to activate at times and sometimes enemies will slowly spawn above!
NOTE: There is a strip of Region C in the area with the 30 second timer near the explosive barrel. If you look at the spawning region map, notice that the strip of floor behind the stack of crates near the 30 second timer is just barely in region C. You can literally stand in that area make enemies from region C spawn. This can help to save the combo for you if you are late at times!
NOTE: While in Region C, a cocktail scripted Cephalo Majini will drop from the ceiling spawn point above the 30 second timer near the missiles and a scripted Cephalo Majini with a machete will spawn from the ceiling spawn point above the walkway where the 30 second timer was positioned above. Both of them can be picked out pretty well. There are only two machete Majini that will drop from above and the first cocktail Majini that spawns from the middle is always the scripted Cephalo.
While in Region C fight off the remainder of the enemies and try to hit the 60 SECOND TIME BONUS on the platform while fighting. The enemies will run out before 150 since you had to kill at least about one or two before the main combo kill chaining. It's best to stop the combo then run and hit the last 60 SECOND TIME BONUS in front of the south conveyor belt furnace directly after 145 kills. You might actually want to play it safe and hit the timer before then. It's VERY risky to run for the timer after 145 kills. All it takes is one dynamite explosion to kill the final few enemies to end the run before you hit the timer!
-- Missile Area SOLO Strategy 2 (140+ combo) [alternate - mainly for Wesker]
Player: JohnnyBigK
-- Missile Area SOLO Strategy 3 (120+ combo)
Player: Jorez0
These are the most popular strategies for Missile Area SOLO.
Specific Stage Details for Missile Area:
NOTE: Take a look at the spawning regions for Missile Area by clicking on the map below.
Here is a breakdown of all the regions:
Region A = 20 enemies (most of the top floor)
Region B = 20 enemies (middle portion of the top floor)
Region C = 20 enemies (south bottom floor)
Region D = 30 enemies (middle south bottom floor)
Region E = 25 enemies (middle north bottom floor)
Region F = 20 enemies (north bottom floor)
NOTE: Keep in mind that Region A and B are on the top floor. You can stand on just about any portion of the top floor and be in Region A. Region B is smaller. You can't stand in Region B without standing in Region A - Region A constantly overlaps Region B. Both the Region A and Region B spawn points can be activated by standing on either of the two walkways in Missile Area. Enemies will spawn from certain spawn points while standing on the walkways. You literally have to stand on the walkways to make enemies spawn below and throughout the Missile Area for at least 40 kills (more like 46 kills actually)!
All other enemies are the 3 Gatling Gun Majini boss enemies and the 12 enemies that start in the stage (including the chicken).
20 + 20 + 20 + 30 + 25 + 20 + 3 Gatling Gun Majini enemies + 12 beginning enemies = 150 enemies total!
Learn the spawning region boundaries!

Resident Evil 5,
The Mercenaries,
Resident Evil 5: The Mercenaries - Experimental Facility Scripted Majini (Duvalias)
Game (Mini game): Resident Evil 5 "The Mercenaries"
Info: Scripted Majini (Experimental Facility)
Stage: Experimental Facility
Link to page on youtube
This is the second video in a series of scripted Majini videos by that special Chris player that puts the "Chris" in "Merry Christmas" and shotgun blasts all the "Bah! Humbug!" scrooges that deny that phrase. This video showcases ALL of the scripted Majini that will spawn a Duvalia if the event is not cancelled.
Scripted Duvalia - a Majini that will always become a Duvalia unless the Duvalia spawn is cancelled.
Ways to cancel a scripted duvalia:
NOTE: A scripted Duvalia Majini will mutate after it has received over 250 damage. (Sheva and Chris BSAA's handgun is exactly 250 damage)
- Perform an instant kill melee on the Cephalo with Chris, Sheva or Jill (leg shot must take 250 damage or less. [aka. Safari Chris cannot get a leg stun]).
- Kill the Majini with a rotten egg.
- Make the Majini die from hitting the floor after it falls from a ledge.
- Kill the Majini with a critical head explosion.
- Kill the Majini with a direct hand grenade explosion.
- Kill the Majini while it is grounded (attack must take over 250 damage).
- Kill the Majini while it is in the middle of a dash.
- Kill the Majini while it is hopping, climbing or in mid-air.
(Basically, if the Majini is killed while it is in the air, on the ground or during the middle of a run, it's head will explode and the Duvalia mutation will be cancelled)
Refer to the following map for spawning region locations:

Scripted Duvalias:
-- Random Base Majini 1
Spawn Point: Spawns from upper ledge near bottom oil canisters.
Region: Spawns when a player is in Region A on the map.
Appearance: Random Base Majini.
Solo Appearance Time: Anytime before the Licker wave on the bottom.
Duo Appearance Time: Anytime before the Licker wave on the bottom.
-- Random Base Majini 2
Spawn Point: Spawns from upper ledge near bottom railings.
Region: Spawns when a player is in Region A on the map.
Appearance: Random Base Majini.
Solo Appearance Time: Anytime before the Licker wave on the bottom.
Duo Appearance Time: Anytime before the Licker wave on the bottom.
-- Armored Base Majini
Spawn Point: N/A (starts in the stage)
Region: N/A (Starts in the stage)
Appearance: Base Majini with body armor.
Solo Appearance Time: Starts in the stage.
Duo Appearance Time: Starts in the stage.
-- Gas Mask Majini
Spawn Point: Spawns from upper ledge near garden in the top area.
Region: Spawns when a player is in Region B on the map.
Appearance: Majini with iron gas mask. He wears brown overalls and green pants. Always the same!
Solo Appearance Time: Anytime before the Licker wave on the bottom.
Duo Appearance Time: Anytime before the Licker wave on the bottom.
Special thanks to:
Spades408 - for the help with locating all the EF scripted Duvalias and ways in cancelling them.
TMac - for helping me find all the scripted Majini per stage.
Chris x STARS - for helping me in recording their locations.
Info: Scripted Majini (Experimental Facility)
Stage: Experimental Facility
Link to page on youtube
This is the second video in a series of scripted Majini videos by that special Chris player that puts the "Chris" in "Merry Christmas" and shotgun blasts all the "Bah! Humbug!" scrooges that deny that phrase. This video showcases ALL of the scripted Majini that will spawn a Duvalia if the event is not cancelled.
Scripted Duvalia - a Majini that will always become a Duvalia unless the Duvalia spawn is cancelled.
Ways to cancel a scripted duvalia:
NOTE: A scripted Duvalia Majini will mutate after it has received over 250 damage. (Sheva and Chris BSAA's handgun is exactly 250 damage)
- Perform an instant kill melee on the Cephalo with Chris, Sheva or Jill (leg shot must take 250 damage or less. [aka. Safari Chris cannot get a leg stun]).
- Kill the Majini with a rotten egg.
- Make the Majini die from hitting the floor after it falls from a ledge.
- Kill the Majini with a critical head explosion.
- Kill the Majini with a direct hand grenade explosion.
- Kill the Majini while it is grounded (attack must take over 250 damage).
- Kill the Majini while it is in the middle of a dash.
- Kill the Majini while it is hopping, climbing or in mid-air.
(Basically, if the Majini is killed while it is in the air, on the ground or during the middle of a run, it's head will explode and the Duvalia mutation will be cancelled)
Refer to the following map for spawning region locations:

Scripted Duvalias:
-- Random Base Majini 1
Spawn Point: Spawns from upper ledge near bottom oil canisters.
Region: Spawns when a player is in Region A on the map.
Appearance: Random Base Majini.
Solo Appearance Time: Anytime before the Licker wave on the bottom.
Duo Appearance Time: Anytime before the Licker wave on the bottom.
-- Random Base Majini 2
Spawn Point: Spawns from upper ledge near bottom railings.
Region: Spawns when a player is in Region A on the map.
Appearance: Random Base Majini.
Solo Appearance Time: Anytime before the Licker wave on the bottom.
Duo Appearance Time: Anytime before the Licker wave on the bottom.
-- Armored Base Majini
Spawn Point: N/A (starts in the stage)
Region: N/A (Starts in the stage)
Appearance: Base Majini with body armor.
Solo Appearance Time: Starts in the stage.
Duo Appearance Time: Starts in the stage.
-- Gas Mask Majini
Spawn Point: Spawns from upper ledge near garden in the top area.
Region: Spawns when a player is in Region B on the map.
Appearance: Majini with iron gas mask. He wears brown overalls and green pants. Always the same!
Solo Appearance Time: Anytime before the Licker wave on the bottom.
Duo Appearance Time: Anytime before the Licker wave on the bottom.
Special thanks to:
Spades408 - for the help with locating all the EF scripted Duvalias and ways in cancelling them.
TMac - for helping me find all the scripted Majini per stage.
Chris x STARS - for helping me in recording their locations.
Resident Evil 5,
The Mercenaries,
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