--> Wish upon a Star
Destroy all 18 of the Score stars found throughout "Lost in Nightmares
The following is a list of all 18 score stars found in Lost in Nightmares along with pics!
Score Star 1
Location: Spencer Estate
Points: 500
Move down either set of steps along the side of the main stairway and step in front of the barred gate. Turn around and look up to find this score star attached to the backside of the ceiling lantern below the main stairway.

Score Star 2
Location: Spencer Estate
Points: 500
Move up the stairs and step onto the second floor of the Spencer Estate while still in the main hall then find the entrance doors to the mansion then look directly above them. This score star is lying in the middle wall alcove right above the entrance doors. The middle chandelier may block the view of it if you stand in the middle of the second floor.

Score Star 3
Location: Spencer Estate
Points: 500
While on the second floor of the main hall of the Spencer Estate, move toward the side without the gap in the walkway then look back toward the chandelier hanging on the middle of the ceiling. This score star is attached to the top portion of the backside of the chandelier.

Score Star 4
Location: Spencer Estate
Points: 500
Move down the hallway past the door on the side of the second floor with no gap. This score star is lying on top of the cabinet in front of the door at the end of the hall. The cabinet has some plates lying on top of it as well.

Score Star 5
Location: Spencer Estate
Points: 500
While in the Dining Room, look up on the southwest corner of the second floor to see this on the wall. It's on the second floor portion to the left of the clock.

Score Star 6
Location: Spencer Estate
Points: 500
Look behind the chimes inside the grandfather clock in the Dining Room to find this score star hanging inside the clock.

Score Star 7
Location: Spencer Estate
Points: 500
Past the Dining Room, enter the restroom below the staircase. This score star is hanging above the urinal in the restroom.

Score Star 8
Location: Spencer Estate
Points: 500
This score star is lying inside of a small cage with a white sheet draped over it in the storage room where the heat sensitive paper is found. It's lying next to a crate.

Score Star 9
Location: Spencer Estate
Points: 500
This is hanging on the ceiling of the corridor with the barred gate that the characters will pass by on the way to the storage room. This can be seen much better after a character pulls the lever inside of the corridor to stop the ceiling spikes. It's on the ceiling of the left corridor that the player will pass by before getting to the lever.

Score Star 10
Location: Spencer Estate
Points: 1000
After or shortly before a character steps into the room with the spiked ceiling trap, this will be hanging on top of the south wall above the wall safe. This can be shot before or while the spiked ceiling lowers. It MUST be shot before the spiked ceiling lowers too much - run and flip the switch without shooting it first and it can't be shot.

Score Star 11
Location: Prison
Points: 500
After the characters drop off the edge of the wooden ledge right after using the crank and moving below the mansion, look to the left and look above the shelves to see this score star hanging on the wall above the shelves.

Score Star 12
Location: Prison
Points: 500
After moving below the stairs to the cell area of the Prison, this will be on the floor of the fifth cell to the right. A dead test subject is inside of the cell and is lying on the floor with its hand over the score star.

Score Star 13
Location: Prison
Points: 500
After rounding the left corner of the cell area, a Guardian of Insanity will walk by on a ledge up above. Walk ahead just a bit then turn and look up to see this hanging on the second floor wall above the cells.

Score Star 14
Location: Prison
Points: 500
Before moving up the first set of stairs in the cell area, look inside of the closed cell below the stairs. This score star will be hanging on the left wall inside of the cell.

Score Star 15
Location: Prison
Points: 500
After moving up the stairs, your characters will likely fight a Guardian of Insanity. This score star is attached to the wall of the first cell to the right after stepping away from the stairs.

Score Star 16
Location: Prison
Points: 500
After moving down the stairs from the second floor cell area with the first Guardian of Insanity, this will be lying on the bottom shelf of a set of shelves near a dead test subject. Basically when you move down the stairs, take the left path and it will be on the lowest shelf.

Score Star 17
Location: Prison
Points: 500
In the area with the water, move along the left path and collect the silver crest from the chest off to the left. Keep moving down that path and look along the barred alcoves along the left wall. This score star is inside the sixth barred alcove in the group of alcove past the chest - second alcove from the back. This alcove is right below a staircase.

Score Star 18
Location: Spencer Estate (Library)
Points: 500
After the maze portion and before the fight with Wesker, once the characters move up both sets of stairs, grab an M92F handgun from a dead body then return to the front of the hall near the staircase to see this score star hanging on the top portion of the back wall. To save some time in retrieving it, a player can aim upward and knife slash it.

Extra Score Stars
These extra score stars are found in breakable objects or by performing the listed task:
Small Score Star
Location: Found in breakable objects.
Points: 300
Medium Score Star
Location: Found in breakable objects.
Points: 500
Large Score Star
Location: Kill a Guardian of Insanity and it will drop this.
Points: 2000
The Guardian's eye on the back side of the growth along its right arm is its weak point. Shoot the eye on its back to make it kneel then hit it with a melee attack for extra damage. All gunfire to any portion of the body will damage the Guardian, but these shots will make it spew acid from its arm that can damage a character from close range.
Extra Large Score Star
Location: Knock out Wesker during the battle with him.
Points: 3000
During the fight with Wesker, counter either of his dash attacks by entering the button sequence that appears on the screen then run up to him and hit him with a melee attack as the button prompt appears while near him. He will automatically perform a dash toward one of the characters eventually.
He can also be forced into performing a dash attack by shooting at him so that he dodges your handgun bullets three times - he will dash toward the attacking character afterward and that is when a player can dodge then run up and hit him. The shots have to be from long range!
Dodging a forced dash = normal melee attack prompt afterward
Dodging a normal dash (that Wesker does himself) = tag team melee attack prompt afteward.
On co-op play, both players can run up to Wesker after one player dodges then both players can activate the melee attack simultaneously.
On single play, DO NOT allow the AI partner to pick up an M92F handgun before the fight with Wesker. The partner will constantly shoot at Wesker and screw up your chances for forcing Wesker into a dash attack.
You'll get the Kung Fu Fighting trophy/achievement for gaining this score star.